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Found 52 results

  1. I am guessing that China has blocked all AirVPN IPs. If you connect to any AirVPN server and try to access any China websites (such as baidu.com), you get connection timeouts. Can this be fixed?
  2. I just simply chose recommended server. It keeps connecting different servers but never succeeded. Is AirVPN working well in China now? Thanks folks
  3. Hi team, Thank you for the great service! I've been using AirVPN and it has been very stable. I used a Asus router and use OpenVPN there. It works fine for a couple of month. However, today it started not connecting. I've tried multiple config and all of them don't work. Would you please help me take a look on what's happening? Thank you so much! Best wishes syslog.txt
  4. I have a business trip to China in 2 months, and I wanted to check with folks here to ask if anyone ever used Airvpn in China. I know that a lot of VPNs don't work there. I would be glad if someone who has been there recently can tell me if it works, or whether I need to configure some advanced settings to use it in China. Thanks
  5. Using the VPN from china is either not connecting or super slow. What’s the preferred settings at the moment?
  6. On a Huawei Honor mobile phone, AirVPN does not seem to work in China. I have installed the Android Client (Eddie - Air VPNGUI) without problems, and it also worked in other countries without problems. But in China it does not work. The only different setting I made to the standard settings is that I set the "Current local country" from the drop-down list to "People's Republic of China". Are there any other special settings one must use on a mobile phone when in China?
  7. Currently lifted for the time being, nothing to see here.
  8. Hi! Please, somebody can confirm that AirVPN is working in China (2022)? Thanks, M
  9. Hello, I'm looking for servers that will provide optimum download and upload for users physically located in China. I used to have good performance with the Japan servers although that was a long time ago. Certain Netherlands servers (Alpheratz, in particular) were very strong for a period, although the routing appears to change a lot, taking the high download speeds with them If anyone as any suggestions for servers to try or if the admins can suggest any techniques I can use to determine the best servers myself, I'd appreciate it!
  10. Up until last week, I was able to ping the Japanese servers and return around 80ms. Now the ping is around 240 - 50ms. I suspect it must be to do with changes on the ISP side but I'm curious if anyone else has noticed any similar performance hits within China? Is there anything I can do to improve things? Thanks!
  11. https://www.zdnet.com/article/china-is-now-blocking-all-encrypted-https-traffic-using-tls-1-3-and-esni/ https://yro.slashdot.org/story/20/08/09/000209/china-is-now-blocking-all-encrypted-https-traffic-that-uses-tls-13-and-esni
  12. The change this week in Hong Kong, with direct jurisdiction by the CCP/Beijing government and the override of the "Two Systems" agreement by security laws and mainland police presence seems to require review of whether users can have confidence of privacy or security when using HK servers. One reference of the impact and scope and implications is this Australian newspaper article: https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/hong-kong-s-new-national-security-laws-reach-beyond-china-20200701-p557zd.html Although it is undesirable to follow the Trumpist/US MIC with various anti-China propaganda, it should be recognised that although China is increasingly powerful and aggressive, the rest of Asia is a considerable counterweight (Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, India, etc) and European organisations such as AirVPN have alternatives. Perhaps Taiwan can be a replacement for CCP HK, or more servers in Japan and Singapore, or perhaps give Indonesia a bit more modern industry ?
  13. Hi. I'm connecting from China, the normal speed is about 10mb/s ~ 15mb/s without a vpn, when use airvpn, I can get full speed in the morning, the speed continue dropping later, and in the evening(from UTC 10am) it becomes extrmely slow that I only get 100kb/s ~ 200kb/s. I have tried servers from America, Canada, Germany, Japan, Singapore but the results are similar. I wonder if it's because the China GFW or I have misconfigured something? Has anyone in China faced the same issue? System_Report.txt Eddie_20200214_071333.txt
  14. I am using pf-sense 2.4.4 on a netgate SG-1100, configured for AirVPN using the guide listed on this site. I have a tp-link, c2600 dumb AP for wireless, configured with OpenWRT 18.06.05. Up until a few weeks ago, my connection was perfect: AirVPN connection to Gliese worked well at ~20mbs download speed. Fine for my needs. Latency is bad, ~300+ms, but then again, I'm in China and it's ok for my needs. Now, I am frequently experiencing the spinning wheel of frustration when I am streaming video on my Apple TV. 3-4 times of ~30 second pauses in a 5-10 minute period is not uncommon. Because I like to "tinker" with my settings (I recently tried the 19.07 rc2 for OpenWRT), I'm thinking I did something to cause the problem, but that doesn't appear to be it. I have reverted to the settings I had when all was working ok. I'm thinking it may be traffic shaping by the great Chinese firewall, but I'm not positive. It could also be a configuration issue on my end. One reason for my thinking it's a configuration issue is that when I try to login to pfsense from a network connection (not wireless), the pfsense dashboard doesn't load until my internet connection is working. Strange. I've monitored the download speed traffic via pfsense, and I can clearly see when download speed via the openvpn wan connection crawls to next-to-nothing. Short of doing that, I'm not sure how to troubleshoot the issue further. Since I'm a hobbyist, and not a trained network engineer, any advice to trace the problem would be of help. Thanking you in advance. PS Yes, this is in all likelihood NOT an issue with AirVPN and I am definitely not complaining about AirVPN service. I am and have been a very satisfied customer. That said, I know there are a lot of smart people on these forums and due to the totality of the issue (AirVPN + OpenVPN + China + networking) I'm thinking someone smarter than me may have a clue to troubleshoot.
  15. If i'm connected through Titawin (Canada), Facebook has recently starting checking my logins saying I'm in shanghai china? It used to say Vancouver Canada when connecting while on the VPN.
  16. Hello, In China currently i have issue connecting to America server. Only one working for me is Miami Cursa UDP but netflix is giving me the proxy error message. Is there anyway to make the others servers works from China ? Thx
  17. Airvpn is not in normal use in China (Mainland) I found that based on the openvpn protocol, there are also ssl, ssh (forget it put in China) Maybe you think about supporting the wiregurad protocol, or participating in support. And consider similar v2ray confusing traffic technology Https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core I know that the client can set the pre-agent I prefer a fundamental solution (although it is difficult) The Chinese firewall IPS part is the easiest to prevent too simple "settings" (such as ssh, ssl pre-proxy settings) SSL-SNI full verification promotion has not been seen on the ssl platform recently. Idea: distributed (perhaps blockchian) tcp/udp protocol extension development + ML to handle routing and detection being attacked or blocked (both done at the bottom layer rather than at the application layer, not centralized but decentralized)... Goodluck
  18. Hi, when, if ever will there be more Japan servers? (Question to staff) At least another one would be nice. It's the ONLY server which gives a good latency when connecting from China. For example, the Japan based Iskandar server can achieve 79ms whereas all the others start at 190ms + when connecting from China. Can other China users verify this is the case for them, too? (All China users reading this please comment about your latency!....)
  19. hello, i am using linux version of airvpn (ubuntu, x64) and it doesnt work in china. i was trying to fix it myself checking the forum. someone recommended to use IP addresses 3 and 4 tls-crypt which is not avalible in my version. how can we the problem be solved?
  20. hi I found that AirVPN does not work in china from last week,may be blocked by "The Great Wall",would u fix it pls? thank u very much
  21. I am currently in China and like to share my experience with airvpn. Findings Every Hotel Wifi blocks VPN differently Tor (orbot) always works fine Airvpn is a pain on Android stunnel is complicated to install the own android app does not come with predefined profiles the config generator is not mobile friendly I tried to use stunnel on Windows -> eddie has a problem with usernames with a vowel mutation and fails to establish a connection Protocols and IPs Some IPs from AirVPN Servers seem to be completely blocked. E.g. Zuben: IP1 fails completly (tested on UDP 443 / SSH 22) IP2 on UDP 443 works fine IP2 on UDP 1194 works fine Ping to Zuben IP1 fails Ping to IP2 works fine The weired thing is that I am running 2 VPN servers in my home network. In the actual hotel both are blocked entirely. What I do not get is why zuben on 1194 works but my VPN in the home network (on 1194 and also on 1195) fails. I can't even ping my IP (dyndns). The DNS resolution works fine but no connection is possible. It can only be explained if all private network IPs are blocked. I tried a second private IP to connect to and this also failed. For the second ip a ping was possible but VPN on tcp/443 failed. There is no real consistent image I get.... The second IP was never used in china before. Some thoughts about Eddie A feature which detects blocked servers (by a ping test?) would be great. Eddie should be capable of choosing the best IP and protocol by itself. The chinese Firewall is able to detect openVPN connections it would be a could idea to reserve one IP (nr. 4?) only for stunnel and ssh connections. In the actual situation I am able to connect via 1194/udp to IP4. If the chinese firewall can detect a VPN it will block the whole IP4 and also stunnel and ssh is not possible any more. It is a very good idea to develop eddie for android. it should be able to use ssl/ssh connections and all possible IPs and protocols should be available without manual download
  22. Hey Guys, since yesterday all airVPN servers in Beijing (China) are down. I'm subscribed to two VPN providers and right now only 2 servers are working, none from airVPN. All servers went offline at the same time. Can't connect through my phone either. Just me? Thanks for quick responses!
  23. I'll be in Asia for a while and most of you have heard of the Chinese efforts to monitor internet activity. Last time I was there, I had some problems with AIR (though it's been a while so that might have changed). Astrill was recommended to me by an acquaintance as an alternative in case of trouble but I have no experience with them. Do you guys know more about this particular VPN service?
  24. Hey guys, just thought I'd provide some detail of my experiences using Airvpn in mainland China. Disclaimer: I'm in IT Platform: Nexus 6P, Oreo 8.1 April security patch, *not* rooted Client: OpenVPN for Android Location: Nanning, Guangxi I was last in mainland China in Oct 2017. We visited Guangxi and Guangdong, and I was forced to use the Hong Kong UDP-Altentry as nothing else worked. This was quite unreliable and whilst some places we visited were remote and rural, they still had good broadband speed for the locals. This time around everything works. Everything in the screenshot. I find that strange. The Chinese government officially cracked down *more" in Feb 2018, so why would these now all work? One thing I have noticed is in one hotel, only Hong Kong UDP-Altentry would work. This was sometimes the case in public free WiFi hotspots also. Everyone in IT security knows that layers are important, so I can only assume that large enough public WiFi (large hotel chains etc.) are required by law to have a level of filtering (perhaps dropping all UDP on 80 and 443, as sometimes only TCP would work) Presumably the Chinese government may look at forums like these in order to bolster their security, but perhaps they have relaxed VPN access in order to "catch" more nationals in the act. A friend lent us a SIM card, which is China Telecom and not only is the LTE *fast*, but again, all VPN tunnels in the screenshot here worked. Perhaps OpemVPN have upgraded their termination points, but either way this is both good and worrying news. On the plus side, there's no need for me to consider an alternative (nonsense chameleon marketing aside), and the speed is just as good as I've experienced when at home. On the down side, I'm convinced they are monitoring in order to create more filtering policies to block VPNs by allowing them to run more freely. I hope the cynic in me is wrong.
  25. Hello all, I am not an IT expert at all and honestly I'm confused in terminology related to vpns. I live in Germany and soon moving to China. I would like to take with me a router and get a good VPN and hopefully setup the routeur There to have it always connected to this vpn. I don't know the names or terminology about what to do to reach this result. 1) does most of recent routers can do that ? (Asus for example ?). Maybe I need to upload a file to the router from the VPN supplier. 2) which vpn could work ? Airvpn? Cyberghost? Torguard ? I plan to do all the setup here in Germany before leaving cause all is so much more complicated in China (tell me about getting an Android phone there during my last trip and get the google play store to work, was horrible !). If any of you know a combination router + VPN with a good tutorial how to set it up.. I'd be very appreciative!! Thanks in advance !
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