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About Royee

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  1. try alternative UK VPNs I find this fixes the issue when trying to connect to some UK sites that get this issue. Same applies for US websites.
  2. I was hitting around similar with my Asus tomato router, I ignored a few comments about people saying you wont get faster but sadly they were all right. Eventually routers are just too slow. Even the latest netgear router with dual core 1ghz cpu wont do much more then around 20meg under an VPN with AES encryption. So its time to build a pfsense. Many pfsense guys I noticed have just used an old pc or got a cheap pc of ebay and converted it into an router and I prefer this. However trying to get a low powered and low wattage AES compatible CPU and one with 2-4 ethernet ports which are all compatible with pfsense is slightly tricky. But check Knickers hardware I feel he has got it bang on. I would have loved to use one of those tiny pcs that consume 15-20watts but I don't feel that is happening since they lack AES or ethernet ports. Shame Shutlle DS61 V1.1 did not upgrade to a haswell system, some core i3s @ 55watts and some cpus with 35watts even about....
  3. Hi yeah that is awesome speeds regardless. At least once all runs thru a VPN your safe as can be I look forward to following the guide soon !
  4. Would have loved some AirVPN black friday options like 1 year package or Cyber discounts sounds better
  5. Hi knicker a question are you able to max out your 200m/b line on pfsense airvpn openvpn client under that xeon cpu ? I know you hit 132 meg with the celeron but high cpu usage. I am still saving up for my pfsense box build hope to do it real soon so will follow and run this guide soon !
  6. I have attempted to follow Airvpns Comodo guide but was unable to follow it even on step 3 sadly. I found the guide is out of date and incomplete and seems to skip many settings, I managed to find the options and settings for most of it but was then lost with all the rules and allow rules etc I think since Comodo firewall has changed the interface and options it really does require a complete updated guide with the new comodo firewall version. It would be really fantastic if Air or Air user could update the comodo firewall guide but detail each and every click and step of the way?
  7. VPNcheck pro is another option. Works with any openvpn and just about all vpn companies use it. Air does also. Has options to kill not only the internet connection it can also cut off torrent or any app like firefox. I tried the demo and it was pretty good and worked firefox and Vuze cut off straight away once Air got disconnected. I think its cheap also like 25 dollars or something like that.
  8. How about VPN chaining 3-4+ VPN providers to be totally 100% sure? One could then run Whonix with Tor Or VPN with Tor, it will be much slower but at least your IP will not be given up to Air at all however I believe Tor network will see your IP ? I still feel vpn chaining a few decent VPN providers gives you that speed advantage and I believe you do not give up your real IP when on tor network since you are VPN chained to 3-4 + providers. Not connecting to the internet is the safe option but then again its not an option !
  9. DD-WRT and tomato routers are great, however always remember even the fastest routers out there including netgears new 1ghz router, you will still hit 16-20meg max. If you got a broadband connection that is 30meg or 60meg or 120meg+, your router will aways hit 16-20meg. I had an Asus RT-N16 router, one of the most popular routers even on flashrouters company, but you can only hit around I believe inbetween 8-12meg. On mine I hit 8-10meg despite having a 14-15ish meg connection. Alternative option is listed here: https://airvpn.org/topic/10213-installing-a-pfsense-box-with-airvpn/
  10. Thanks Knicker will use all this info for my pfsense build
  11. Very good point about the cpus nickspam, yeah openvpn client is sadly still single core I believe when the 3.x version of openvpn client arrives it will be dualcore enabeled, although hopefully they just make it mulitcore. I have played around with pfsense under virtual box with just a single lan and yet to get it 100% running, with this guide I can however make it! But I think ill get a dedicated pc and turn it into a pfsense router box like knicker and many people do. Im going to get one of those hp intel 4 x gigabit 364 nics you see on ebay all the time. I think for OpenVPN this is the only soloution and best choice, no router would ever come this close. May just stick with my 4ghz dual core AMD cheap cpu with AES instructions for my pfsense build... that should in theory have much less bottlenecks
  12. Knicker: Very nice low cpu use, are you able to max out your 200m/b line on pfsense airvpn openvpn client ?
  13. Thanks Knicker & Nickspam More question for both you guys, since pfsense users are rare here! Yes, regarding the realteks nics... I hear many on pfsense forums say its hit or miss with connection drop outs or poor speeds... I too was also eyeing that "Intel HP NC360T PRO/1000 Dual Port Server NIC PCI-e GB" since its cheap and plenty available, but was unsure if it works so thanks nickspam I think I would need 2 of them! Regarding the hard drive and size, was not aware of pfsense packages existed but just read a bit on squid sounds great to have.... but I prefer my privacy I never save history, cache, cookies etc in my browser or computer. I would have thought squid vs hdd stored cache would have made it slower? not unless it does many other things better ? If there were pfsense packages such as rtorrent/utorrent/p2p and Nzb that would have really made my day but don't see any. Yes thanks again Knicker I saw your other 2 guides of leaking dns/port forwarding I will save and bookmark them ! Its a must feature for me since I worry if AirVPN stops.... but then I don't Great point regarding the xeon cpu, they are more designed for 24/7 use, still I have used an intel quad 6700 cpu 24/7 for 5 years and never without issue. I feel with an core i3/i5 if you can get one with AES it could still proove just as good if not cheaper.... I originally considered an intel nuc or amd sapphire mini pc, but these little boxes are limited by 1 nic ! Using mini pic-e network cards is possible but then no one seems to have attempted it, otherwise I felt an intel nuc with low power and with either mini-pcie network card or vlan switch would have done the job, but then the price and power still adds up sharply over a custom AMD or intel build. Your shuttle is very nice and small and mini itx. I still feel an AMD 4ghz dual core with AES which is cheap and a micro-atx with 1-2 pci express slots offer more connectivity and flexibility then an mini itx build. Power should not be that much more either and its cheaper to pick up micro-atx mobo and cheap AMD cpu with 4ghz/AES but maybe wrong on this... 1-2 previous guys have hinted to me AES on the cpu does help but not drasticly, ie like 20-30% less.... but I feel it was all theory talk and no one had actually tried to see the difference. I guess in theory AES instructions should reduce the cpu overhead big time but not sure. Nickspam what is your current pfsense hardware build consist off or are you running pfsense via virtualbox ?
  14. First of all just have to say Thank you very much ! I have attempted to install pfsense dozens of times in the past and failed, I posted up help a few post down regarding pfsense Airvpn settings but was still lost with the settings and I pretty much gave up on it untill I saw this post ! I hope Airvpn staff leave this thread open for debate since it will help a great deal of Air Customers. I have a few questions before I attempt from your guide but am also planning on building a mini itx system soon with pfsense since it would be at least 5x more powerful and better then a router. 1) Did you have any issues with the 2x Lans ? I hear realtek lans are pretty poor and can be unreliable 2) How did you get 60meg on your Linksys router under OpenVPN ? Even the latest 1ghz dual core routers would not get that much ! 3) You picked an 60gig SSD when an 8gig ssd would have done... are you running pfsense under virtualbox alongside windows/linux ? I ask since you mentioned about the torrents hitting 93% or was it just the torrents via another machine causing that much cpu strain ? 4) You mentioned "Note 2" about if the default gateway drops, then so does your internet connection. Is this not a very good option to have ? This would prevent your real IP or DNS leaks from occurring. I had iptable rules in my old Asus tomato router which switched off the internet if AirVPN dropped or did not allow internet if it was not connected. Not unless you have a better alternative to this ? I find it very tricky to get the hardware for pfsense right, intel low powered cpus are so poor and never support AES, and it does not help openvpn client is single core supported. When openVPN 3x comes out I hope all software/clients upgrades since dual cores would have given you 200meg+. I have however noticed AMD low end cpus even the 2 or 3ghz ones support AES and very cheap and 65watt low powered so may build it around AMD parts and a 2nd hand 4 way pci-express intel lan card for increased connections and reliability. I believe what you have done is the best option going, at least this way your pfsense box can max out all speeds and other devices are auto AirVPNed if connected to the pfsense box. It sure beats any tomato/ddwrt/opensource or even the fastest dual core 1ghz netgear router that just came out I believe that hits 16-20meg under openvpn limited by single core openvpn and 1ghz cpu only. I hope you chuck in the xeon id like to see the difference. I will no doubt be back to ask questions and more so once I try the guide out for myself !
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