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    Feebaby got a reaction from ss11 in pfsense ipv6 wireguard   ...
    Yes, I prefer IPv6 to connect in WG or OpenVPN DCO because it is routed almost directly with the security. Haven't gotten around to a doc to trace my steps though. Wht's up?
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    Feebaby reacted to JacksonLee in How To Set Up pfSense 2.3 for AirVPN   ...
    Hi, any plans to write a new Guide for 2.4 including IPv6, as AirVPN will enable IPv6 "later this year" ?
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    Feebaby reacted to onebarrell in How To Set Up pfSense 2.3 for AirVPN   ...
    I upgraded to PFSense 2.4 today. It broke my PFSense connectivity completely. I have my PFSense configured as instructed in this thread by pfSense_fan.  I do, however use a 4 port nic and utilize all 4 ports. I have a WAN, LAN (open Internet),  AIRVPN 1 LAN, and AirVPN 2 LAN.  Everything has been working and updating fine since PFSense 2.3. After the update today to 2.4, I have lost all internet connectivity including the open internet lan port. The internet icon on my windows 7 taskbar shows that I do have internet but no web pages will load. I backed up my pPFSense configuration before upgrading and have now reloaded PFSense 2.3.4 along with my saved configuration file. Everything works again with PFSense 2.3.4. I have tried to upgrade to 2.4 a couple of times in the last couple of hours;  it just does not work me. If anyone has had the same problem, and found a solution, please post it in this thread.
    EDIT: I finally got it working. It seems that if OpenVPN is configured to use port 1194 no connection will occur. If I use ports 53, 80, 443, or 2018, I can connect without any problem. I was using port 1194 without issue with PFSense 2.3.4.
    EDIT 2: Now the only port that I can use to connect is 443. I can't get internet access using any other port. My speeds are also somewhat slower using  PFSense 2.4. I'm going back to 2.3.4. It is stable and I can connect using any port that AirVpn allows. I think PFSense 2.4 may have been released before it was ready.
    EDIT 3: This will be my final edit.
    I want to now post that apparently there was something wrong with my previous PFSense 2.3.4 configuration which prevented PFSense 2.4 from updating properly. After trying to use my saved 2.3.4 configuration files on both upgrades and fresh installs, I was never able to avoid problems.
    Over the weekend, I did a fresh install of PFSense 2.4 and manually configured it using pfSense_fan’s 2.3 guide that I slightly modified only to use two AIRVPN interfaces as well as also an open LAN interface such as described in his PFSense 2.1 guide.  PFSense is again working as it should for me. It will now connect using any of the ports that AIRVPN allows. I don’t know what was wrong with my previous configuration, since it worked perfectly and upgraded from Pfsense 2.3 to 2.3.4 without any problems or DNS leaks, but I am pleased to say that Pfsense 2.4 is indeed working perfectly with AIRVPN after the fresh install and manual configuration. Thanks again to pfSense_fan for providing this GREAT and detailed guide.
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