Hello! after setting up AirVPN within my Tomato device - everything was working as expected, all the traffic was passing through the AirVPN Service. The following settings are applied: https://airvpn.org/tomato/ However, AirVPN is a huge bottleneck for my connection - and i would like to pass only traffic to specific hosts through the service such as NetFlix for example. After skimming the web how to achieve this - found this article listed here: http://www.linksysinfo.org/index.php?threads/route-only-specific-ports-through-vpn-openvpn.37240/ So what i was looking for seems achievable - and there is a script to include within my "WAN Up" section of the Tomato Device (attached this script within this post). However when the WAN starts - the script loads up well (checked this by querying the iptables from the router itself, iptables -t mangle -L PREROUTING) Still all the traffic is passing through the AirVPN Service - is there something which i might be forgetting? or maybe i need to alter my OpenVPN config on my device? any assistance would be appreciated. -- um script-wanup.txt