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Setting up AirVPN on DD-WRT in Client Bridge Mode

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Hi there,


I've currently got DD-WRT running on my Netgear WNDR3700v4 in client bridge mode. My primary router handles all of the wifi devices, this DD-WRT Client Bridge connection provides a hard ethernet line for my NAS. What I am attempting to do is enable the VPN on the DD-WRT router so all the downloading from the NAS goes through the VPN.


I've followed the steps as listed at www.airvpn.org/ddwrt and I am still having issues.


In the DD-WRT OpenVPN status page, it reads that I have successfully connected. I then go to the airvpn website and it reads...


"This account is actually logged to Pollux server (, located in us.pngUnited States - Jacksonville, Florida, since 22s ago.

You are visible from the Internet with IP (Server Exit-IP)."

Cool! Sounds great right? No... i then take a look at the bottom of the airvpn page and there is still a red icon saying I'm not connected and my ISP IP address is still visible. (Please see attached.)

Anyone have any ideas? Maybe i need to do some port forwarding on my primary router.. The fact that AirVPN and DD-WRT are talking make it seem like I'm really close, but I'm still missing something.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. 



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Yes, and those site still show my ISP ip. The router that the dd-wrt is bridging to is what we use for all of our wifi... Unfortunately this primary router is behind our crappy Comcast router.. I have gone into the Comcast settinsg and DMZd the primary router.. So I don't think that should be causing port issues.

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