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ANSWERED PfSense Slow Speeds (<150kb/s)

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My Problem:

AirVPN through OpenVPN yields about 60-100 kb/s on a 20 megabit / 4 megabit connection. This problem is relatively new (within the past month or two) and I figured it may have just been Comcast doing something. Tonight I figured I would try to figure it out, so I switched my PfSense router out with the netgear WNR1000v2 that Comcast gave me and the issue persisted. It was only after eliminating the routers entirely that I was able to attain speeds of 2-3mb/s. 


My question is, what could be causing this? It seems like it would be a firewall issue, but even after putting my computer into DMZ or flatout disabling the firewall the issue remained. The SSLTunnel allows me to hit ~500kb/s, it's slow to reach that but it reaches it, so it's feeling like something is blocking it somehow. I even went as far as directly connecting my pfSense router as a client to AirVPN and the problem persisted. 


I have tried pretty much every configuration with the exception of an SSH Tunnel which is currently not working. I've tried all ports and all protocols across every server and the download speed starts up in the 150-200kb/s range but immediately slips down to 60-100kb/s and idles around there.


pfSense > AirVPN: http://i.imgur.com/N1FUgPl.jpg

SSL Tunnel: http://i.imgur.com/7lUq2Ay.png


I hope you guys have dealt with a problem similar to this before and it will be quick, I just renewed 3 months and have been unable to use my VPN, I can't even buffer YouTube videos at a decent pace right now and I really care for my privacy online so I haven't been able to do much browsing at all lately. Thanks!

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Even after doing a clean install of pfSense with verified hashes the issue remained, switching to Zentyal has fixed the problem for now.

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Even after doing a clean install of pfSense with verified hashes the issue remained, switching to Zentyal has fixed the problem for now.

 Hi avtmradau,


Can you please explain how do you config zentyal. I like zentyal but i can't put it working it airvpn.


Thanks in advance

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Even after doing a clean install of pfSense with verified hashes the issue remained, switching to Zentyal has fixed the problem for now.

Hi avtmradau,


Could you please tell me the steps needed to configure zentyal to access airvpn. I am trying but without sucess.


thanks in advance

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Even after doing a clean install of pfSense with verified hashes the issue remained, switching to Zentyal has fixed the problem for now.

Also looking for the configuration with Zentyal. Nothing has worked so far. When I try to add TUN0 as an interface, it won't allow it. When I try to add the gateway IP (which is reachable - verified from a shell) Zentyal reports "unreachable".


Would love to know how to properly configure this!



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