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Decent OpenVPN Management GUI - Linux (Ubuntu)

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More of a scoping, general question here but I was wondering if anyone here knew of a decent web gui which can be used to start/stop/supervise openVPN connections?

I run all of my traffic through a local server which connects to the AirVPN service. Currently I change VPNs by logging in via ssh and running sudo openvpn X.ovpn but, to be honest, I'm pretty lazy. So I was wondering if anyone knows of an awesome web based gui?

A quick Google search seemed, on the surface anyway, to provide lots of answers. Actually digging down into the results showed a load of old, no-longer supported programs with the vast majority seemingly geared towards Windows.

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Have you got a GUI desktop set up on the Linux box? Or is everything running from scripts?

I have not used any OpenVPN GUI on Linux, but there seem to be GUI clients for OpenVPN available in Ubuntu (if that is what you are using).

If Gnome or KDE are available on your Linux box, couldn't you install VNC server on the Linux box and then install one of the good VNC clients on your PC? I do this over the internet to some virtual servers I use for my work - tunneled through OpenVPN in turn tunneled over SSH. And it is fast enough. So this should certainly be fast enough on your LAN.

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Yeah I could do, VNC it is!

I probably should have thought about that but for some reason I just had a mental block...


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