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Install Eddie 2.24.6 Windows 7 Question(s)

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Installed new stable Eddie on a Win7 machine recently.  I suspect my ISP uses DPI, so I've always liked connecting using SSL.  Eddie client, using installer .exe.  A few questions...

1- With Wireguard implementation, is there decreased likelihood of DPI being recognized by ISP?  My DL speeds with SSL are taking a major hit with new Eddie 2.24.6.  (I'll experiment w/ different protocols and update with faster Protocol selection(s).

2- Here's my bigger question, I can not connect to any "selected" protocol unless I check "use bundled plink.exe, OR, "none", in the Microsoft Windows Only "Advanced" UI.  *However, I can connect if I select "Automatic" for both Protocol selection, AND "Microsoft Windows Only, "Automatic" Advanced options.  If I leave "Automatic" on MS Windows Only "Advanced", I receive a log noting "VPN Network Adapter not found, install fail (wintun)".  Bulletpoint:  Is there a compatibility issue for wintun.exe, and/or OpenVPN and Win7?  (attached is small log excerpt noting scenario when can not connect, I'll submit larger log if that will help).  What, if any, disadvantages to selecting "None", or, "usage of bundled plink.exe" on Advanced Windows Only options?  I have yet to try the installing of OpenVPN and Config generator on this machine.  As How-To SSL notes "Eddie" will automatically do this for user.  Tbh, I don't recall my previous setting on the previous stable Eddie (BUT, I think I left it Advanced "automatic", and had no issue connecting to SSL, SSH, any chosen Protocol)

3- For MS Window Network Adapters, I've historically used OpenDNS (+ the 3 others), OR, Quad 9.  *Can I use the AirVPN DNS in both my Adapter's DNS, AND using Eddie?  Or could this redundancy cause issues?  I always use AirVPN when online, so that's not an issue.  If not, I'd swap out Adapter back to Quad 9 or whatever.  Lastly on DNS, are the other AirVPN DNS servers still available?  I think they were like,,  Something like that.

Additional notes, I reset Win 7 Firewall to "default", reset an outdated Intel Wireless Adapter to it's default setting for troubleshooting.  As I write this I have AirVPN's DNS in aforementioned wireless adapter, and have Advanced "MS Only"  Driver changed to "None" (again, plink.exe will also work).

Sorry for any redunancies in all that s*it I noted above  :P  Any feedback or help would be greatly appreciated. 


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Looks like the only way to connect to any chosen Protocol is to check "None" in Advanced, MS Windows Only.  Also having trouble with latest TAP driver, maybe deprecated for Win7?  Have to update TAP driver using device manager after a restart, and then TAP driver resorts to  If I exit Eddie, then update to latest TAP driver, this will work.  TAP fails everytime after a reboot, requires UAC prompt, then unsuccessful.  Need to exit Eddie, install from unzipped package, et. 

But, seems like better speeds using old TAP?  Here's a log after successful connection, then tweaking advanced MS Only setting to work with SSL, then resorting again to "None".  *Automatic does not work when one tries to select individual Protocol (UDP, SSL, SSH, et).  Guessing a Wireguard conflict somewhere.  Could be the crap Intel Wireless Adapter too.  Im spent  

*"VPN Network Adapter not found, install fail (wintun)".   Can't figure it out   



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After prolonged tinkering, latest Eddie stable seems to be working OK if I choose a good proxy/server (can configure to a 40% loss, which I'm cool with).   I was curious if Id get any feedback from any remaining Win 7, and/or, Win8.1 /Win10 camp(s). 

*If anyone is inclined to reply, my only remaining question is... "is it OK to check "none" in Advanced Eddie settings (again, for MS Windows 7), to establish a "chosen" connection protocol (for eg, port 443 IP 4 SSL, or UDP 443 IP 4, et, et...)?  Thanks for your time!  :) 

Windows Network Adapter, using AirVPN DNS... is it cool to use the redunant w/in adapter DNS, when connected to Air (is a close 2nd question).  :P  

Have a good weekend y'all's,

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