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Comodo Configuration File Request

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Would be nice to see a download link with the basic configuration settings for all the AirVPN servers. I mean the .cfgx file. Would help the non-techys out, like myself.

Can you please make this available or even just send it to me via email as a one off?


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Here is the relevant portion of my Comodo Config for having application locking to the VPN.

Essentially it is a predefined profile "Locked to VPN" that I set for various applications I want to force through the VPN.

It blocks IPv6 traffic

It allows Loopback 127/8

It allows link-local 169.245/16 (this is another loopback, I separated so you did not have to modify network zones)

It Blocks all traffic that is not out to the VPN potential IP's

If anything passes, this point it allows it.

For the most part, you do not need to worry about incoming to a particular app.

Even torrents will stop up and down upon disconnect from the VPN.

The best way to import is to probably export your current firewall config and add this after the last </Predefined> and then reimport it.

Then create an Application Rule using a predefined policy.

Note this was done with Comodo Internet Security Pro 2012 and not just Comodo Firewall, but the rules should be the same.

<PredefinedItem UID="{28D1CDB6-5F36-4243-87D6-730F2E37D454}" Name="Locked to VPN" Flags="0">
        <Rule UID="{F306D1DB-51A3-406A-A38C-FC509C5A5C5A}" Days="127" StartHour="0" StartMinute="0" StopHour="0" StopMinute="0" ID="0" Protocol="6" Action="6" Direction="1" Description="">
            <SourcePort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <DestinationPort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <SourceIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="2">
                    <IPV6 AddrType="33" AddrMask="0" AddrBase="00000000000000000000000000000000"/>
            <DestinationIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="4">
                    <MAC AddrType="8" MAC="000000000000"/>
        <Rule UID="{05AC08DD-91FA-4BDA-ACFE-BEBE81156C6C}" Days="127" StartHour="0" StartMinute="0" StopHour="0" StopMinute="0" ID="0" Protocol="6" Action="1" Direction="3" Description="">
            <SourcePort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <DestinationPort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <SourceIP Type="20" Name="Loopback Zone">
                <Address Type="4">
                    <MAC AddrType="8" MAC="000000000000"/>
            <DestinationIP Type="20" Name="Loopback Zone">
                <Address Type="4">
                    <MAC AddrType="8" MAC="000000000000"/>
        <Rule UID="{2BE679F5-4E8D-4AF8-8F5C-C12F4EDA9EFB}" Days="127" StartHour="0" StartMinute="0" StopHour="0" StopMinute="0" ID="0" Protocol="6" Action="1" Direction="3" Description="loopback link-local addressing">
            <SourcePort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <DestinationPort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <SourceIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="1">
                    <IPV4 AddrType="4" AddrStart="" AddrEnd=""/>
            <DestinationIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="1">
                    <IPV4 AddrType="4" AddrStart="" AddrEnd=""/>
        <Rule UID="{B1A88B58-3929-4F24-A228-607F45A52304}" Days="127" StartHour="0" StartMinute="0" StopHour="0" StopMinute="0" ID="0" Protocol="6" Action="6" Direction="1" Description="">
            <SourcePort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <DestinationPort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <SourceIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="1">
                    <IPV4 AddrType="34" AddrStart="" AddrEnd=""/>
            <DestinationIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="4">
                    <MAC AddrType="8" MAC="000000000000"/>
        <Rule UID="{CCFC28B3-485C-49B3-A5C0-BBE140FA1E0C}" Days="127" StartHour="0" StartMinute="0" StopHour="0" StopMinute="0" ID="0" Protocol="6" Action="1" Direction="3" Description="">
            <SourcePort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <DestinationPort Type="8" SetName="" PortType="8" PortStart="0" PortEnd="65535"/>
            <SourceIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="4">
                    <MAC AddrType="8" MAC="000000000000"/>
            <DestinationIP Type="4" Name="">
                <Address Type="4">
                    <MAC AddrType="8" MAC="000000000000"/>

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non techys , lols ,seriously just go to the official comodo firewall for windows thread and enter your info , jesus somebodys even lazier than me who wouldve thought, lols

btw heres the link and youll be able to set all your settings as you wish and if ANYTHING tries to connect outside your vpn it will fail hard , nothing will connect outside the vpn


dont forget to disable ipv6 in your physical and tap adapters , and to set the dns address for the according port ,udp or tcp including number used to connect with the airvpn server, the dns ports are under support >technical specs, there you can see wich address belongs to wich port , and voila you got your required dns address needed for input into the physical network adapter, lan or wifi whatever you use for internet access , just to be safe

anybody wana add to this please do so

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