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Help with Eddie Client Setup for Mac and QBit for Torrenting

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I have M3 MacBook Air.  MacOS Sonoma 14.6.

After choosing/assigning a port number, opening qBittorrent and Eddie, there are multiple options to choose from in "Preferences ".

What do I select in the "Preferences" of Eddie?  Is there a section in the forum with photos of what to do in the "Preferences" that I can copy from?

Or, can a moderator please tell me what to select/tick in Eddie for each of the Eddie "Preferences" options:
- General: I have nothing selected/ticked here, what should I change?)

- UI: System notifications", and "Exit confirmation prompt" are both ticked/selected; Data units, has "Bits for speed, bytes for volume" - are these right?)

- Protocols: I selected Automatic (I see listed a few Wireguard; then lots of Open VPN > UDP; then OpenVPN > TCP; then OpenVPN > SSH>TCP).  When I was with Proton, Wireguard was described as the best, but I can't even find a way to select it. Should I? If so, how?

- Proxy / Tor: Type: None is selected; I've bracketed the greyed-out words/numbers seen in When (Always), Host (127.0.01), Port (8080), Authentication (None), Tor Control Port (9151) I don't think I've set up a a proxy for Tor nor know if it's worth my time, so nevermind.

- Routes: There is nothing under IP / Host / Range, etc.  Is that ok?

- DNS: Automatic. Check AirVPN DNS: ticked; DNS Servers: IP.

- Networking: Layer IPV4: "Inside tunnel (must be supported)"; Switch to 'Block' if issue is detected: ticked; Layer IPv6: "Inside tunnel if supported, otherwise blocked; Switch to 'Block' if issue is detected: ticked; Internet Protocol used for connection: IPv4,IPv6; Interface used for connection: Automatic;  TCP/UDP send buffer size: Automatic.  TCP/UDP receive buffer size: Automatic.

- Network Lock: Mode: Automatic; Incoming: Block; Outgoing: Block; Allow Ian/private: ticked; Allow ping: ticked; Allow detected DNS: un-ticked; IPs allowed for incoming (and, for outgoing) are both empty fields.

- Advanced (here we go): Expert Mode: un-ticked; Check if the tunnel effectively works: ticked; Servers list update every: Automatic; Update channel: Stable; Enable latency tests: ticked; OpenVPN Custom Path: empty; Skip processes checking: ticked; Multi-providers support: un-ticked; Use Hummingbird: un-ticked.

- Logging: Logging on file enabled: un-ticked; Log debug (for troubleshooting): un-ticked; Path: logs;eddie_%y-.........log) and more written below in another field regarding log rotation and paths with example: logs/single.log;logs/months/eddie_%d.log;logs/week/eddie_%w.log

- OVPN: Custom directives: empty field; Base directives; client, etc; Prefer CHACHA20-POLY1305 data cipher if available: un-ticked; External Path: empty

- Events: App Start, App End, etc

As I don't know what most, if any, of the above means and have tried to read up about them to learn, I still don't trust myself to choose correctly.  Can anyone suggest the basic, safest "Preferences" for the Eddie of a qbit over MAC user.

Thanks in advance. 


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16 hours ago, A1rX said:

What do I select in the "Preferences" of Eddie?  Is there a section in the forum with photos of what to do in the "Preferences" that I can copy from?

Preferences = Settings. What you prefer Eddie to do. There is nothing in need to be set if the default behavior of Eddie suits your needs just fine.
Kind of an open-ended question there. Are you sure you don't just need an explanation of what the different options do? Though, most of them are kind of self-explanatory, for example:
16 hours ago, A1rX said:

- General: I have nothing selected/ticked here, what should I change?)

Connect at startup and Reconnect to last server at start are obvious, right? Do you want Eddie to be started when you start your computer? And if Eddie is started, do you want it to connect automatically? Those are the questions you need to answer for yourself, since they are your preferences = what you prefer.
There are no real recommendations to follow because the default settings are the de-facto recommendation. You can load them on the General tab with the Reset to default settings button.

There are also some FAQ entries on the more advanced topics of Eddie, like some options of the Advanced tab. Again, they are explanations to help you decide your preference.

If you still wish to have an explanation for all the options, especially to determine your preferences, write so.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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