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When it comes to paying, what is reasonable?

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Made up situation just for the purposes of discussion

Many people feel strongly that downloading copyrighted material means that the artists behind the creation do not get paid for it, and that is just not fair. However, let's just say that there is a user who will often download copyrighted material to give it an honest preview and in 100% of the cases, after said preview, the user always deletes the content and makes a decision on whether or not to go out and buy a physical copy and support the artist. This individual does end up supporting many artists directly as a result of this practice.

The reason this has been established is that I want to point out that we are not talking about a whistle blower, we are not talking about someone who faces any physical danger and we are not talking about someone who is involved in hard core criminal activity.

So to the question, when it comes to paying for the VPN service considering the above scenario, what is reasonable? Is this the type of individual who should go to a bank, purchase bitcoins with cash, and pay for the VPN service using instawallet to remain completely anonymous? Or, is this just simply way overkill for this kind of user? How much does it really matter if John Smith shows up as a customer or airVPN either on paypal records or on airVPN records?

Can John Smith who is contained within the financial records of airVPN as having an account ever going to be identified as the user who downloaded the most recent U2 album?

Considering that such an investigation would require multiple jurisdictions, is it even possible that a potential multi-national investigation would result in John Smith being identified in the airVPN records and then being prosecuted for downloading the most recent Green Day album to preview it before deciding to purchase it?

Thanks, and hoping for a good little discussion here.

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