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For the newbies DNS leak/ firewall / stop downloading when VPN disconnects

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Thanks Admin-after going through all the detailed replies you made I was finally able to work everything out ! I have very minimal experience with computers so thanks a lot!!!!

For newbies like me. In 3 steps(how to do all these steps is already in the forum):

1. Get VPN software to connect to VPN..either Airclient or the (OpenVPN GUI-->https://airvpn.org/direct_access/)

2. Stop unexpected "leaks"-->eg you downloading something but VPN has been disconnected so you can be tracked by movie companies, or a DNS leak. You need to download a program called Comodo which is free


You will need to google a lot of stuff on how to do it(eg point 12 in the above link)

Us newbies are used to guides that are WORD FOR WORD matching our computer screens, and the above link is pretty close. Remember, there's different versions of everything (eg windows, Comodo) so the guide cant be word for word. Just keep reading the airvpn forums and google google!

3. Disable IPV6 if youre using utorrent(as will keep downloading despite the rules). Follow these instructions from http://practicalrambler.blogspot.nl/2011/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-and-teredo-in.html

Just a few points for the newbies:

-make sure you test step 2 and make sure everything works before you start downloading movies etc

-I downloaded VPcheckPRO(costs around 13 pound) which does step 2 for you so you dont have to fiddle around. I found it kept stuffing up my internet and caused more problems so for me it wasnt worth it in the end

-I also went to http://www.dnsleaktest.com/how-to-fix-a-dns-leak.php to fix a "leak" the DNS leak, but found it also kept stuffing up.

I hope this helps, a lot of problems I encountered was because I have no idea what I'm doing. Good luck!

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