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" The configuration files used by Bluetit are stored in /etc/airvpn and this folder is created by the installation script, in case it does not exist. In this directory is also stored the bluetit.lock file (actually, a PID file) controlling the execution of the daemon. "

   I've been fiddling with airvpn suite in a devuan machine for a while now and due to the old i965/i915 intel bug discovered a problem*, and when I figured out the fix I thought it was slick enough to share.
  Because this machine hard locks occasionally(long story-Linus himself got involved) I constantly found myself having to force kill things and remove the lockfile by hand. --here's the fix, simply change the lockfile location in the init file so it points to /tmp which is cleared/created at boot. This way no matter how it reboots you will keep the lockfile lined up with the actual run status. I suggest this be changed in default configs.

A tui configuration tool would really be nice btw, especially on remote servers. Hire my full jedi CS grad kid to make us one? He's currently ronin looking for projects to feed a family. :)

*more than one

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On 1/29/2024 at 5:42 PM, Cthulu_007 said:

simply change the lockfile location in the init file so it points to /tmp which is cleared/created at boot. This way no matter how it reboots you will keep the lockfile lined up with the actual run status. I suggest this be changed in default configs.

Even better: To adhere to the Hierarchy Standard, use /run, or in case of Unified /usr, /usr/run. :) This one is definitely a tmpfs, while /tmp is not a tmpfs in some distribution families.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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