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France want to ban vpn on social medias

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This week, the French Parliament introduced a bill to ban VPNs on social medias. My question is, is this really enforceable?

thank you.

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Who are they going to go after? The users or the companies? If the user registered with real email or phone number, they probably aren't the scope of this. Without a link to the bill it's just guessing. Guessing further:
Social network companies - they will introduce VPN IP blocklists and fined if an offending user cannot be traced back due to VPN use.
VPN companies registered in France - if their IP comes up and they can't help trace back the user = fined too.

It's all very simple, in a functioning legislative body you can quickly prototype what kind of law it will be and the possible targets based on logic. Because it must have a certain goal it tries to achieve and be reasonable in the way of finding who to make responsible for *whatever*. Most companies aren't gonna lose/close/risk their business and abide by the new rules, like in the meme "yes, honey"

Mark my words, these rapid pan-european developments are the riders of the apocalypse World War 3. This is the preparation step to control the information once the disaster strucks. We've seen it happen in the past 10 years eastwards. Now it's happening near you.

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Thanks for the link. It is one of the extensions of the currently proposed law that wants to extend it to also ban VPNs. Even with that extension retracted, the original law still wants ISPs, DNS providers and browsers to block whatever the French government and authorities ask them to.
The first amendment is off the table but the second one isn't and the entire law is not either.

Great Firewall of France?

Thiébaut’s amendment does not ban VPNs outright, instead it strives to make them useless (for many popular use cases, at least). The amendment requires VPN providers to ensure that their services “do not allow access to an Internet network not subject to French or European legislation and regulations.” The wording leaves a lot of room for interpretation, but its intention seems clear — to relegate the French Internet to the French government’s backyard.
This is exactly how officially registered public VPNs in Russia ought to work currently.
I have said in previous threads that it should be a red flag how the press/institutions do not highlight the fact that either China's Great Firewall or Russia's internet laws are all about blocking and governmental censorship. That's because similar laws are desired in other countries too, nobody wants to rally up the citizens against them. In my opinion only the US remains a tough nut to crack for such a law. We shall see what happens to Tiktok and that bill, maybe it will really fall into Microsoft's lap (and confirm Microsoft's allegiance to the government's power structures and cooperation).

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16 hours ago, Stalinium said:

Bağlantı için teşekkürler. Bu, şu anda teklif edilen yasanın, VPN'leri de yasaklayacak şekilde genişletilmesini isteyen uzantılarından biridir. Bu uzantı geri çekilmiş olsa bile orijinal yasa, İSS'lerin, DNS sağlayıcılarının ve tarayıcıların Fransız hükümeti ve yetkililerinin onlardan istediği her şeyi engellemesini istiyor.
İlk değişiklik gündemde değil ama ikincisi ve yasanın tamamı da gündemde değil.

Rusya'da resmi olarak kayıtlı halka açık VPN'lerin şu anda tam olarak bu şekilde çalışması gerekiyor.
Önceki konularımda, basının/kurumların Çin'in Büyük Güvenlik Duvarı'nın veya Rusya'nın internet yasalarının tamamen engelleme ve hükümet sansürüyle ilgili olduğu gerçeğini vurgulamamasının bir tehlike işareti olması gerektiğini söylemiştim. Çünkü benzer kanunların başka ülkelerde de yapılması isteniyor, kimse vatandaşı bunlara karşı kışkırtmak istemiyor. Benim düşünceme göre, böyle bir yasayı kırmak için çetin bir ceviz olarak kalan tek ülke ABD'dir. Tiktok'a ve o yasa tasarısına ne olacağını göreceğiz , belki gerçekten Microsoft'un kucağına düşecek (ve Microsoft'un hükümetin güç yapılarına ve işbirliğine bağlılığını doğrulayacak).
Are you using this VPN? I know that Russia has banned all VPN IP addresses.

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