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Eddie does not autostart on Debian 11

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Switched from mullvad today after my subscription expired due to them no longer supporting port forwarding. Setup of Eddie was easy and everything works except autostarting it. I checked autostart and the option to not prompt for elevation. It created a systemd service called eddie-elevated.service that has the correct permssions (root:root 644/-rw-r--r--) and journalctl doesn't tell me anything besides the service being started. Thanks. Also I do understand it is autostarting the cli version. But for some reason it's doing nothing after starting and not logging anything.

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I'm not aware of Eddie having an autostart on boot option. It's got a ton of options to connect on Eddie launch, though.
Also be advised, this Systemd service is solely there so Eddie won't ask you for your password. It's not eddie-cli.


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On 9/11/2023 at 6:34 PM, OpenSourcerer said:

I'm not aware of Eddie having an autostart on boot option. It's got a ton of options to connect on Eddie launch, though.
Also be advised, this Systemd service is solely there so Eddie won't ask you for your password. It's not eddie-cli.

There's an option called "connect on startup" under general that I misinterpreted. It should be more clearly labeled that it means autoconnect to a server on eddie startup. There's another option for the systemd service so it makes it seem like it'll create one for you. I made my own but it would be a nice feature to have it autogenerate the service.

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Posted ... (edited)

I guess I should document the process for those who don't know how to do it. I run a DE so I want to launch the eddie gui on startup for my user rather than cli.

1. As the wanted user, create a file ~/.config/systemd/user/eddie-ui.service
2.Configure as needed but I did

Description=eddie-ui user service


As is there's a bug where when sigterm is sent it will timeout after the default 90 seconds and the process gets sent sigkill to kill it so you might want to reconfigure that so you don't have to wait as I did. I'm not sure the best way to work around that but I found that waiting 10 seconds is enough for eddie to close connections and past that it sits there doing nothing before getting killed by sigkill so I expedited it. You have to let it send sigterm first, if you switch it to sigkill, openvpn gets stuck open.

3. systemctl --user enable eddie-ui.service
4. systemctl --user start eddie-ui.service

If you want to configure the service for all users, use the --global option. so systemctl --user --global then enable disable start stop etc.

Also, your DE probably has an easy way to autostart applications or run commands for you but I switch DEs and WMs constantly and remove and install new ones so this is easier for me to set once and never again. Edited ... by dfr

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