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ANSWERED Bluetit: networklockpersist/tunpersist not working when maximum connections reached

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i have noticed that the tunpersist and networklockpersist directive may not working properly when the maximum of connections have been reached and there is a sudden reconnect of all clients.

Normally i would expect to see something like 


Dec 02 xx:xx:xx xxx bluetit[38678]: EVENT: RECONNECTING
Dec 02 xx:xx:xx xxx bluetit[38678]: TunPersist: saving tun context:

However, due to the sudden and quick reconnect of all clients (e.g. in case the router crashes), bluetit shows an AUTH FAILED/ERROR (probably due to the conenction limit/timeout?) and therefore resets itself which leads to the IP address being leaked.


airconnectatboot server
airserver  xxx
networklockpersist  on
airusername xxx
airpassword xxx

When i had only 4/5 clients running, the problem did not occur again (tun0 just moved to tun1 after reconnecting as expected)

Can anyone confirm?


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