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Servers List - Green, Orange or Red Light

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Another "newbie" question (running Eddie 2.21.8 on a Mac) :
On Eddie's window for a selected country/Location, the servers list shows green, orange or red lights but those colors don't seem to fit with the performances (whether in terms of latency or speed)

Ex (scoring rule in terms of speed)
Server X : 58% - 575/1000Mbit/s - 59 Users - Orange light
Server Y : 46% - 458/1000Mbit/s - 53 Users - Green Light
Meanwhile the Recommended Server gets a green light too, with a score of only 18% - 1775/10.000Mbit/s - 365 Users

Which is the best server in term of speed then ? Green light with a poor score ? Orange light with a better score ? Recommended Server ?
I'm a bit lost and couldn't find the answer on Eddie's website.

Thanks for your clarifications !


Edited 10/23/2022 by Allerednic

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Thank you so much @Marasuma for your precise explanations !
Much more clear now !
I'll take time to check all the servers that seem to be relevant in my case and do my own whitelist.

On one hand one could complain about the lack of a regular Eddie's directions for use, but on the the other hand it strengthen the community mutual assistance mind !

Thanks again and enjoy your day !

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