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IPLeak back to showing just IPV4 addresses

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IPLeak back to showing only the IPV4 address in firefox on windows 10 21H2 (I haven't checked any other browsers)

Like this:

Capture 1.png

But at least there are no duplicates in the dns test now and waiting for a bit then refreshing the page can get it to detect IPV6 properly sometimes

Like this:

Capture 2.png

I do hope all the issues that the site has been having will be fixed soon but at least they seem to be trying to fix it.


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I'm also seeing the "double IPv4" most of the time with firefox but I always thought this was firefox' doing. Brave browser for example shows "browser default ipv6, fallback IPv4" during the same connection.

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Firefox + Librewolf = shows double IP4 values
Brave + Ungoogled Chromium + Palemoon = shows Ip4 & IP6 values

Looking forward to a resolution too.
Hope this helps.

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Setting "network.http.fast-fallback-to-IPv4" to false is giving me constant IPv6 values in Firefox. It seems this value only works properly when connecting VPN IPv6 with IPv4 as fallback.

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Funny, I just stumbled upon hat yesterday and thought of this thread. Indeed it appears to be a race of DNS lookups, and disabling the fallback will show ipv6. I thought there was a setting for a timeout so that increasing the timeout instead of disabling the fallback would also show working ipv6 connection, however I didn't find that config parameter.

Brave and Safari browsers do show me ipv6 always.

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Happy Eyeballs (also called Fast Fallback) is an algorithm published by the IETF that makes dual-stack applications (those that understand both IPv4 and IPv6) more responsive to users by attempting to connect using both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time (preferring IPv6), thus minimizing common problems experienced by users with imperfect IPv6 connections or setups.
I dont know what ipleak is doing, seemingly not the recommended way of:
  • default domain: IPv4 + IPv6
  • ipv4 only domain
  • ipv6 only domain. like ipv6.google.com
For the technology quoted above you should not be disabling the fast fallback or you'll encounter issues down the line and long loading times.

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