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Local Peer Finder with torrent in home LAN

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Hi, i try it in english.

The complete torrent thing is running very good. Now iam going a step further to optimize my very old torrents or torrents with very few peers. I dont let my pc on when iam not at home or at night. So i got eddie on my laptop and made a fresh biglybt installation with nearly the exact configuration. In the client area from airvpn i have two 2 devices and iam on different servers. I already have seen improvement, where my swedish connection (pc) is at a disadvantage over one from switzerland on the laptop and the other way around. And of course it can use the slow uplaods from the few peers at night. They can see each other like normal clients (iam using the friendfunction too). Thats very good.

So they send their pieces which the other client didnt have (because of different peers or more time over night^^) to eachother over the internet connection and the limits. Over LAN with fullspeed would be better.

Now my idea was to use local peer exchange to synchronisise the same torrents on both systems with their combined advantages over my lan. µTP is deactivated. In eddie the options "allow lan& private" is active and i can see all systems in windows network, print and transfer files manually. I forwarded the port for local peer finder in airvpn too (dont know if its needed or if both systems need a seperate port, but its impossible to use another in bigly for the second system.) But i think thats not needed anyway, because i want to use my lan at home and not the lan in the datacenter (which is blocked anyway?). my next guess why they cant find eachother over lan is, that bigly isnt allowed to use the normal connection because of the bind to the vpn net option? so bigly cant see my local network? is my assumption correct?

I have a raspberry pi with qbittorrent without vpn in the normal lan which can maybe work as a bridge. I make a backup now and i will try to get the pc and the laptop connected via peer finder (local peer exchange) with the Pi.

My point on this is, that i dont have to copy the files myself and to waste the uplaod from other people to get the torrent ready on both my systems without the fullspeed over lan.

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1 hour ago, Camponotus said:

my next guess why they cant find eachother over lan is, that bigly isnt allowed to use the normal connection because of the bind to the vpn net option?

Quite likely because of this, yes.
1 hour ago, Camponotus said:

My point on this is, that i dont have to copy the files myself and to waste the uplaod from other people to get the torrent ready on both my systems without the fullspeed over lan.

Doesn't matter much, your client still connects to the hosts. The LAN torrent client will be added to the peer list just like everyone else is and it's up to your client's settings to prefer it, treat it normally or ignore it entirely. :) But generally, it's a noble thing to do :D


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Thank you. After your confirmation i looked more into it and found an override in the extension from local peer finder (that function has different names in some clients). There are two options. First i have to specify a network, i filled in 192.168.*.*      . Then you can put ip clients directly into it for override. On my pc its;     for pi/laptop and for my laptop; pi/pc

At the moment, i think that this peer finder only works with the same torrent client, so the Pi with qbittorrent cant connect via LSD...  The biglys find each other, but arent starting a connection via lan... 
But it should be possible^^  I try it later again.

Yes, with DHT and tracker, they find eachother instantly and behave like normal clients.

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Update until i try it again with new ideas.
At the moment, iam stuck with the configuration for automtic using the lan peer finder. Technically its working after i got in touch with the developer of biglybt. He spent a lot of time with my problem. At this point, i think, the last step is on my system/network configuration.

pc and laptop in the same LAN. I can print with the wlan printer and transfer stuff over lan with all 6 devices. They are online over VPN with different countries. Both also see eachother when the other device is closing the program or reboot ect (i mean the biglybt plugin peer lan finder can see it and is also injecting the peers ect). Manual inject peer with port will start immidiatly the transfer over LAN with 100mbit (laptop via wlan). i can even inject the qbittorrent client running on the raspberry pi with. The developer made this possible by adding some options for the networkinterface binding.

I want to mention, that i tested other Bittorrent clients like tixati, deluge and qbittorrent too. But even for testing purpose for my lan issue, they lack the needed features or have to less information for specific options. And yes, thats a very rare problem^^

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Posted ... (edited)

This is indeed a too specific problem. Sure one route is to have a separate interface binding (list of separate interfaces) for Local Peer Discovery. This way it could send advertisements only to your LAN to find peers.
Another option is to use a local tracker server. You have a Pi already shouldn't be a problem. That's what retracker.local is for but you can use any manual address of your liking.

PS: iirc there are extensions to have a list of IPs that will be preferred for transfer (to prefer local peers only when one is discovered, over external peers)

Edited ... by Stalinium

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Hoi! I have a bit of trouble to get it discribed in english.

What do you mean with your last sentence? In the bigly client, i made the changes and had even the developer look over them. He added some options to bypass the bind local stuff ect for the client and the local peer plugin because of my problem. It doenst work auto mode, but if i insert the ip:port manually, the start the transfer without issues. Either it is on my setup or were missing one point.

I have Pi hole running on both pi with deactivated DHCP server. You mean that function?  Dont know if iam able to do that, nearly no knowledge about that.


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Posted ... (edited)
@Camponotus my primary advice was to use a local tracker. You do have a Raspberry Pi already, make use of it to act as an open local retracker for 'retracker.local'

My last addition was only tangential to your problem. There's an obscure uTorrent/BitTorrent option called 'isp.peer_policy_url' (or dubbed by the file name 'btpolicy.xml'): it is a list of IPs that will be preferred for transfer. Example:
PeerA is on the 'local network' according to btpolicy.xml
PeerB is on a 'foreign' network (IP address not included in btpolicy.xml)
If your client is connected to both peers, it will strongly prioritize traffic between you and PeerA because you share both the same local network (as defined by btpolicy.xml)

That means if in your case retracker.local works in addition to a global tracker, you will see peers on the entire internet but most of the traffic will be exchanged between you and your other computer thanks to heavy prioritization, reducing the amount of bandwidth exiting your network (going out through your router). Edited ... by Stalinium

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thank you, i will look into that. but i dont know if i can manage that^^ 

maybe i test µtorrent, to see the behaviour in my network envorinment. even i dont like that client since years anymore.

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