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How to find the AirVpn server IP/name once connected

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in MacOs using terminal....

To find the IP
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com

To find the server Name
curl -sL https://airvpn.org/client/ | grep "Connected to <strong>" | sed 's/.*<strong>\(.*\)<\/strong>.*/\1/'


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For the server's name You might want to check out AirVPN's API:

curl "https://airvpn.org/api/whatismyip/"
Or ipleak's
curl "https://ipleak.net/json/"
Better than "parsing" a web pase.

And as a bonus both of them include your exit ip, but your way is fine when you only need the IP.

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Thanks for the kind clue

so updating my previous post

Air_Vpn_ip_Name=`curl -sL https://airvpn.org/api/whatismyip/`

VPN_Name=`echo "$Air_Vpn_ip_Name" |  grep "server_name" | sed 's/    \"server_name\"\: \"//'  |  sed 's/\"\,//'`
VPN_IP=`echo "$Air_Vpn_ip_Name" |  grep '"ip":' | sed 's/    \"ip\"\: \"//'  |  sed 's/\"\,//'`

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You are welcome, and thanks for sharing your tricks.

As a last tip, JSON format is fine but if you are going yo extract the info with grep/sed (which I think is fine fine) there is a format option in the API that can make your life easier:

Air_Vpn_ip_Name=`curl -sL https://airvpn.org/api/whatismyip/?format=text`

VPN_Name=`echo "$Air_Vpn_ip_Name" |sed -ne 's/^server_name=//p'`
VPN_IP=`echo "$Air_Vpn_ip_Name" |sed -ne 's/^ip=//p'`

You can check the API tab in the Client Area section of this web, it has a nice API call generator under the name API Explorer which shows all the options and how to use them in a very friendly manner.

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JSON output can be processed more elegantly with jq. A simple example:

$ curl -sL https://airvpn.org/api/whatismyip/ | jq .ip,.ipv6

The argument to jq is a filter definition with its own programming-like syntax. If invoked without arguments, "." is assumed which takes all output, formats it neatly and colors it. In the filter you can apply a shit ton of actions: maths, sorting, making arrays of outputs, regex, whatever sed would do, etc. are only a few examples. man jq is quite long. :D
On 5/25/2020 at 6:29 PM, cla said:

Air_Vpn_ip_Name=`curl -sL https://airvpn.org/api/whatismyip/`

VPN_Name=`echo "$Air_Vpn_ip_Name" |  grep "server_name" | sed 's/    \"server_name\"\: \"//'  |  sed 's/\"\,//'`
VPN_IP=`echo "$Air_Vpn_ip_Name" |  grep '"ip":' | sed 's/    \"ip\"\: \"//'  |  sed 's/\"\,//'`

So this one would be something like:

airvpn_ip_name=`curl -sL https://airvpn.org/api/whatismyip/`

vpn_name=`echo "$airvpn_ip_name"|jq -r .server_name
vpn_ip=`echo $airvpn_ip_name"|jq -r .ip

-r prints fields as strings, in this case, without "" – you avoid calling sed twice that way. :)


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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I do actually use jq and with ipleak's API since I got to know it before Airvpns. Didn't suggest it because it needs to be installed and the op seemed to be bound  to grep/sed.
Anyway I didn't know about the -r option to get rid of the "" so thanks a lot @giganerd!! that will save me a lot of |tr -d \" in my scripts!! :)

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jq must be installed first, as Mr. eburom noted. :) I believe the way to do that on macOS is via homebrew.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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