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Speed difference with SSL 443

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Hey guys,

have been having some trouble today with my speeds so I tried fixing it with changing my protocols and ports (servers too ofc) to see if I could narrow the problem down.
So far I've been using SSL 443 because my ISP seems to limit all UDP traffic somehow when torrenting (port changes didn't help).
So I tried TCP 443 as suggested in these forums but it only got worse.
Good news: My speed is back after a while with the old settings (must have been an issue with AirVPN?) but I noticed I get like 200Mbit down with SSL 443 and only around 60Mbit down with TCP 443 on the same server.
I thought SSL should take a toll on the speed not make it faster and if this is right, does that mean my ISP is throttling something?
Any thoughts on this? Thank you.

Edit: OK I just noticed my speed is back but not really stable, it keeps crashing for a sec within transfers. Still something going on with my line or the servers.

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What if the issue is instead with your computer? Have you checked whether things about security like firewalls, antivirus, etc. are somehow set to interfere with network traffic? Have you tried other devices in your network?

Do you happen to use WLAN?
Can you provide a log?

It's easy to point fingers because fingers naturally point away from one. But most issues are really domestic. I'd start with your computer and work up instead of starting with ISP/AirVPN server and moving down.


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Of course I checked my PC beforehand and everything worked fine yesterday.
It gets better by the minute, still not up to what I'm used to using AirVPN.
Don't get me wrong, I like AirVPN, have been a customer for over two years and I hardly had any problems, setup was hard because of my ISP throttling and interfering but I got it in the end.
Just wondering about the speed difference I experience as the TCP 443 is being recommended and it actually lowers the speed I get to half of the speed I get with SSL 443.
Edit: Just good old LAN here, I'll try to provide a log with both connections if that helps, right now I'm back on SSL 443, so far (I'm no expert) there are no errors or unusual outputs.

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1 hour ago, Mc_TheRipper said:

Of course I checked my PC beforehand and everything worked fine yesterday.

What did you check actually?
1 hour ago, Mc_TheRipper said:

still not up to what I'm used to using AirVPN.

What speeds did you expect? What is your ISP provided speed?
1 hour ago, Mc_TheRipper said:

I like AirVPN, have been a customer for over two years and I hardly had any problems, setup was hard because of my ISP throttling and interfering but I got it in the end.

Liking AirVPN and knowing how to config your OS or network are two different things. How did you get it in the end?
1 hour ago, Mc_TheRipper said:

I'll try to provide a log with both connections if that helps

Post your logs otherwise we cannot help you...

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9 hours ago, Mc_TheRipper said:

Edit: OK I just noticed my speed is back but not really stable, it keeps crashing for a sec within transfers. Still something going on with my line or the servers.

Difficult to diagnose these issues remotely, but are you using wifi?  I've encountered this kind of instability with some adapters and even particular routers.
If ethernet, check your system logs for messages related to the adapter going "up" or "down" more often than seems reasonable, as this is often a sign of a poor connection but might also hint at issues with DHCP, the ethernet driver, and even your system power management settings.
Unfortunately you'll need to do some careful troubleshooting.
9 hours ago, Mc_TheRipper said:

Good news: My speed is back after a while with the old settings (must have been an issue with AirVPN?) but I noticed I get like 200Mbit down with SSL 443 and only around 60Mbit down with TCP 443 on the same server.

TCP can help with reliability on poorer connections (e.g., public wifi or garbage dsl lines); while it can be a good choice depending on the blocking/throttling regimen of a particular internet provider, noticeably lower throughput than UDP is normal (all other things being equal).
SSL does incur a modest performance hit — using another secure transport layer will make packets larger and a bit more CPU is needed to wrap and unwrap the data within them — but throughput is sometimes only marginally slower than straight UDP in my experience.  If SSL connections are reliable and more performant for you than "straight" UDP or TCP regardless of the port used, your provider is probably throttling or has other issues and you should consider sticking with it.

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Hello again,

well my speed is back up (without any changes on my side).

12 hours ago, Flx said:
What did you check actually? What speeds did you expect? What is your ISP provided speed? Liking AirVPN and knowing how to config your OS or network are two different things. How did you get it in the end? Post your logs otherwise we cannot help you...
I checked my line without VPN (I always got my full speed 400MBit continously), my MTU settings (pinged for some time) and I don't use any third party av/firewall setup. Didn't have any new windows updates that could have interfered, checked if my disks/CPU was experiencing high loads (not the case).
I experienced throttling from the start with my ISP but only on torrents, there my speed is limited to 20Mbit on any UDP port combination.
Choosing any SSH or SSL port combo immediately got me around 200MBit (400Mbit line, always full speed).
9 hours ago, hawkflights said:
TCP can help with reliability on poorer connections (e.g., public wifi or garbage dsl lines); while it can be a good choice depending on the blocking/throttling regimen of a particular internet provider, noticeably lower throughput than UDP is normal (all other things being equal).
SSL does incur a modest performance hit — using another secure transport layer will make packets larger and a bit more CPU is needed to wrap and unwrap the data within them — but throughput is sometimes only marginally slower than straight UDP in my experience.  If SSL connections are reliable and more performant for you than "straight" UDP or TCP regardless of the port used, your provider is probably throttling or has other issues and you should consider sticking with it.
Thank you, that was what I was asking about. Considering my speed is back up to what I'm used to (250MBit down from 400MBit without VPN, which is still pretty fast imo), my question has been answered.

Thank you all for the help and a happy new year!

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