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New user - setting up qBittorrent with AirVPN, is this good enough?

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Hey guys, been looking through the guides and found really useful information. I'm not super technically savvy when it comes to VPN's, but I heard great things about AirVPN so I figured I'd take the dive and learn. 

I'm mostly going to use AirVPN to download movies and shows. I'm using qBittorrent and looked at how to set up this correctly, one of the guides mentioned to look into Network Locking but that it might not be necessary. So far I have connected to a server on AirVPN and gone my qBittorrent options in

Preferences > Advanced and set up the following:
    Network Interface: utun0
    Optional IP address to bind to: [ip address from dropdown menu]

EDIT: I found some more settings that I applied, and I'm still not able to download anything. Here are the extra settings:



qBittorrent > tools > options > connections

listening port - plug in the same port you forwarded on Air

uncheck UPnP

uncheck use different port on each start


qBittorrent > tools > options > connections > connection limits

global max = 100

connections per torrent = 50

(settings above suggested by Air staff)


qBittorrent > tools > options > bittorrent > privacy

enable DHT

enable PeX


qBittorrent > tools > options > advanced

network interface = tun0 (on Linux anyway) - you may have to be connected to the VPN before the tun0 option is available


Unfortunately, I'm not able to download anything. The bottom status bar in qBittorrent has no direct connections and no active nodes. 

I have also gone to https://airvpn.org/ports/ and followed the guide here:

and added a local port to generate a port and added it to my qBittorrent preferences and port to listen to. Any advice would be appreciated! 

**EDIT:** I printed the execution logs from qBittorrent and got the following error:
     > 9/10/19 1:41 PM - qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on

Edited ... by lasiyo
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2 hours ago, lasiyo said:

Optional IP address to bind to: [ip address from dropdown menu]

Leave blank. This is superfluous if it binds to tun0, anyway.
2 hours ago, lasiyo said:

and added a local port to generate a port and added it to my qBittorrent preferences and port to listen to. Any advice would be appreciated! 

Do not set a different local port to forward connections to if using BitTorrent. The port you configured in the client is being sent to DHT nodes and to trackers. If you have a different remote port set up, no peers will ever reach your client and you get 0 nodes. :)


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Thanks for the reply! It seems like the issue was in the network interface? Maybe this will help someone else if they run into a similar issue.

I printed out the exectuions logs from qBittorrent and this was the error:
   > qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen on

After googling, I ran the command: ifconfig and looked up which network interface had the ip of 10.xx.x.xxx, turns out it was utun2. After updating that in my qBittorrent settings, I was able to download and connect to different nodes. 

I tested if this worked by disconnecting AirVPN and seeing if the torrent stopped downloading, and the dl speed slowed down until it reached 0. After connecting again, the dl speed went back up to normal.

Do you guys this is the right configuration?


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21 hours ago, lasiyo said:

After googling, I ran the command: ifconfig and looked up which network interface had the ip of 10.xx.x.xxx, turns out it was utun2. After updating that in my qBittorrent settings, I was able to download and connect to different nodes. 

As I wrote, if you connect to another server or with a different protocol, that address will change again, prompting you to do that again. Leave this blank and only set the tun interface to bind to. This will automagically use the IP assigned to it.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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