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PaySafeCard and Ukash.........please Read it

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Hi AirVpn

I have been testing many VPN services around the world ,I have now the AIRVPN since few days and it works good , to make now this service to be at top place you need an anonymously payment , Bitcoin is ok but not so easy for everyone to use it ,,,,,,

Please add PaySafeCard and Ukash and I am sure you will became one of the most WANTED vpn ..............

best regards


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+1 on the paysafecard option - would love to see it offered by AirVPN as it would mean I would straight away pay for the service (finding bitcoins too much hassle)

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Why the admin does not say a word about it ?

Many users of this great vpn wants this kind of payment .....is in Italy PaySafeCard and Ukash not available?

Please AirVpn try to get it , and believe me you will get more people .....

Best regards

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I am also willing to pay that extra few euro , so please try to get it

Same with me. Used Bitcoin so far, but Paysafecard would be more convenient.

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I never used Ukash, but Paysafecard is quite straight forward (at least for the buying customer).

In Germany, you can go to a participating shop or gas station, say you'd like to buy PaySafe credit for - say - 20 Euros. Then you pay and get a receipt (up to 100 Euros without having to show your ID) with a code that can be used for payment online (to be anonymous you would need to use TOR). You do not need an account for this, so it's fairly anonymous.

The only one knowing who bought the code would be the store clerk - and he has only seen your face. If in theory anyone wanted to find out who used a specific paysafe code for a payment, he would 1) need to find out, where it was bought and 2) get the store clerk to identify the customer (or obtain store security footage). This is quite unlikely (in Germany), if the user who made the payment was not involved in a serious crime, and then he probably deserves to be identified.

If you're paranoid, you could wear a baseball cap, sunglasses and a fake moustache while purchasing the code :=)

The whole thing is quite convenient, but I do not know what fees the company behind PaysafeCard demands from stores and service providers who want to accept Paysafecard.


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I never used Ukash, but Paysafecard is quite straight forward (at least for the buying customer).

Ukash works in a very similar way.

I hope other payment processors will be considered, especially those that will widely accept Pre-paid Visa/Mastercards.

Paypal is good for the one I like, but Liberty Reserve isn't for some reason.

The more options the better as Bitcoin just isn't worth the headache as it stands.

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well i suppose itd be a great idea to incorporate more anonymous payment options to make airvpn even more attractive than it already is to people , the more customers the better for airvpn and for us , thou ive mentioned this over at wilders already about the only thing missing to make airvpn even better would be more swedish servers and some more anonymous payment options ,+1 to the OP

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