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Not connected, Your IP:

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Hi, sorry to bother again, but I have the problem of AIrVPN taking over my connection. I have looked & read, and noticed others with the same/similar problem. Around a year ago my system began the situation of only connecting to the internet if I had the VPN started with network-lock. I didn't worry about it since I would use the VPN most of the time anyway. BUT then about a week ago it stopped connecting completely.. The little icon down by the clock would say I am connected but can't surf no matter which browser I tried. I read & read and tried "restore defaults" firewall settings. That got me connecting again, most of the time. Now, I can access  the internet without the VPN, and with the VPN, But Not with network lock. If I engage the network lock, then the VPN will not connect.  :+(     Why? And how do I solve? Thanks

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Sorry, looking for a way to delete my post, but I don't see one. Yes, installing a new version fixed my problem, thanks.

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