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How this internet neutrality ending going to affect your servers or services provided by AirVPN?

The data centers where your servers are being hosted- any impacts?

Any opinions?



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How this internet neutrality ending going to affect your servers or services provided by AirVPN?

The data centers where your servers are being hosted- any impacts?

Any opinions?




The peering arrangements that U.S. ISPs have with sites outside the U.S. will become even worse than they are now. Even within the U.S. speeds will worsen, except to large content providers that pay ISPs for access to customers.


People often complain about speeds in this forum. Often they mention that they have purchased some very fast connection from their home to their ISP. They conclude then that this must be the fault of AirVPN. It does not occur to them that there is a lot of infrastructure between their ISP and AirVPN. With net neutrality gone, this infrastructure will be left to degrade further, for those who do not pay a premium for better peering arrangements.


There will probably be a more people complaining about speeds in this forum.

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NaDre— I have already noticed a few occasions of slow speeds since the end of net neutrality. My ISP is Spectrum (Charter). Maybe it was just coincidence when I noticed the slow speeds, I really don’t know. I have a bad feeling nothing good is gonna come out of the end of net neutrality rammed through by Idjit Pie. Perhpas congress will feel enough pressure to reverse the decision but I’m not counting on it.


The current form of this applies only to residential/mobile ISPs (i.e. Comcast, Time Warner, and so on).

Most likely that datacenter policy will remain unaffected.

Zhang— Could you please clarify this statement? I opened a new topic in the Troubleshooting part of the forum about repeated disconnections with AirVPN.

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THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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Zhang— Could you please clarify this statement? I opened a new topic in the Troubleshooting part of the forum about repeated disconnections with AirVPN.


Datacenters have different contracts and policies to it's end users regarding bandwidth and FUP.

Bandwidth is billed either flat rate or by volume, bursts, or something that is known as 95th percentile.



Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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