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ANSWERED High CPU usage all of a sudden

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I've been using AirVPN for quite some time, if I'm not mistaken, I've renewed my annual subscription at least twice, and I never had any issues.

I've always been using your VPN services on a 50 Mbit connection and would easily also get the same speed behind the VPN, no issues whatsoever.

However, just today, all of a sudden, I noticed my PC lagging a bit away whilst downloading a torrent while connected to your VPN services. I checked the task manager and was surprised to see the CPU usage at 25% (full load on one core - i5 6600K, OpenVPN GUI on Win 7 Ultimate w/ SP1). The download speed was at about 1.7 MiB/s and the CPU usage correlated with the download speed.

My computer setup and software configuration have not changed significantly since using VPN services, and I've never encountered this before. I don't know, I was thinking, did you guys maybe up the encryption security so that using the VPN now requires more CPU usage?


Has anyone else noticed this as of late?

In response, I downloaded the newest version of OpenVPN GUI, same problem.

I thought it may the torrent network or client, so I downloaded a file of the internet, same problem.


Like I said, my hardware and software config have not changed, and I have used AirVPN's services in the past with a full 48 Mbps throughput, and I don't even know the CPU usage it needed back then, because it was never an issue.

Any clues?

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I think this is normal, and Im not sure if there is a fix for this, as OpenVPN uses your Cpu power to "Encrypt" the packets you send\receive. So the higher the Download\Upload speed the higher the Cpu usage.

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Just as sudden as the issue popped up, it has also disappeared.


I did a speedtest just now and was at 40Mbit, also downloaded a file, speed was 5.3 MiB/s, the CPU usage was at a comfy 10-15%.

I did restart my computer earlier, when I first noticed the issue, and it persisted after the restart. It was a software restart, no full power-down.


I didn't do anything specific since then, except maybe have a minute of actual full power-down, and now, a few hours later, the problem just disappeared. I did not even restart my router since then, and it may have, unbeknownst to me, dropped the line and dialed a new connection, but I really didn't do anything to amend the problems, and now it's just gone.

Weird, it must've been my local (cached?) configuration causing the problem, but it then should've mitigated after a restart, which did not occur. Maybe the full power-down actually changed something, maybe some data was cached in my network controller that got cleared after a full power-down, but I can't really explain it.

Anyway, issue solved.

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