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Slow speeds <15Mbps on 85Mbps connection

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I have an internet connection speed of around 85Mbps (around 8.5MB/sec) and when not connected to AirVPN I can download at the full 8.5MB/sec. However, when using AirVPN (using the latest stable and experimental versions of the Eddie client) I can't download any faster than around 15Mbps (or around 1.1MB/sec).


It doesn't matter if I'm using BitTorrent or downloading off websites and I have tried multiple different AirVPN servers. Any thoughts on what may be causing this? This has been a problem ever since I've been using AirVPN (since Jan this year). I'm running an up to date version of Windows 10 x64.

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HSV = Hamburger SV? Please tell us which ISP you're using.


By the way, 85 MBit/s != 8.5 MB/s. More like 10.5 MB/s.


Anyway, try other ports and protocols as well.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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HSV = Holden Special Vehicles - Had the avatar since I was a kid, have never owned one and now have a Subaru, so probably never will have one. :-) Regarding the conversion of Mbps to MB/sec, I'm aware you divide by 8 but when it comes to internet connection speeds I find dividing by 10 (or slightly more) gives a more realistic figure of real world speeds once protocol other overheads are factored in.



ISP is iiNet. I have tried various AirVPN servers (in different locations), various types of downloads (ftp, BitTorrent and multiple browser based speed test websites) and various port numbers for BitTorrent. For BitTorrent I'm not getting above 1 MB/sec while using AirVPN (compared to over 7MB/sec on the same torrents when not using a VPN) and pretty much the same for other forms of downloading.

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if you are using a firewall (pfsense) to run opnvpn or a older pc to download with, do check what cpu usage pc/firewall has, as if you have a old cpu it might max out when decrypting/incrypting data. 

And as far i know openvpn is a singel tread (might be wrong her) program so if you have a dual core runing at 50% you might be at 100% at one core.

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