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(HELP) Connection less than 100kbit/s and wavering to zero every second!

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So I installed AirVpn on my Mac in order to torrent and keep my ratios in tact while I am living at my College Campus. However after installing eddie and connecting, i realized the connection is less than 100kbit/s and wavering to zero every second!

However, speed test on AirVPN shows a solid connection:

Down: 11.096 Mbit/s Out, 16.619 Mbit/s In (149%), 20MB - Up: 25.655 Mbit/s Out, 23.472 Mbit/s In (91%), 20MB - Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 20:35:34 GMT - Buffers: 20MB/20MB - Laps: 3, Time: 64.50 secs

Here are the results on my side (very slow, entirely unable to function)




I've correctly forwarded the ports, as well as connected to SSL:443 protocol without further success. 

I'm really not sure what to do, as I'm a completely new to this. 


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update: Still no success


i think its a firewall from the university network but protocols ssl have no effect

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The graph that you posted just shows instantaneous speed, this kind of result is perfectly normal for regular web browsing, etc.


Try an external speedtest (speedtest.net or alternative), the airvpn speedtest tests purely the connection between you and the airvpn server which seems fine. When you're running the speedtest you should see the speed in the program increase too. If you still have problems they are probably elsewhere. University blocking would show up on the airvpn test.



I would also suggest not using SSL tunnel unless you need it, it will degrade performance - just use the regular UDP connection first.

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