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ANSWERED my ip address is unknown

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i have noticed with freshly installed vpn air knew my ip and I had an ssh tunnel running through my tun0.

I was connecting and sending my packets between tor and vpn in my tun0.

Now my ip is unknown and all I get is tcp port 80 packets on my tun0 device and my tun0 is not working with my wlan0 device.

I have an onion router set up and an access point on my server that my vpn and tor are installed on. I route all traffic from my wlan0 to server through tor and out to my vpn. any suggestions on how to get vpn to see my ip again to get the ssh tunnel back. I'm thinking about a fresh install but I would have to reinstall my openvpn and airvpn and router again. I also have a security system that requires lamp server on ubuntu and of course I set it up manually. So, if I dont have to take the next 6 hours reinstalling ubuntu along side windows which is a pain all in itself it would be greatly appreciated.

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so if you connect with the tor enabled in preferences tor proxy it will hide your ip address if you keep it disabled vpn can see ip isp will see tor but not vpn its all encrypted still. visa versa with it enabled tor go through vpn and isp see vpn and vpn does not see ip thank you for your service air

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I have found a way to run through my tunnel with my onion router but now I see openvpn instead of the port 9001 on eth0. I want to make sure that

my network onion is still encrypted. I understand the value of having tor through vpn and vpn through tor but want to make sure my vpn service does not see

unencrypted tor traffic. It defeats the purpose, so if there is any suggestion or answers that would help me understand that my traffic is still encrypted

to and from vpn service. when you have a set up like mine I need the onion on the client to go through the tunnel and it seems that connecting to tor first

there is a lot of unwanted packets being transfered when i connect to tor first. this way is better. I don't care if vpn sees my ip I just don't want vpn to see unencrypted tor traffic. I got this information from get air and in there there is a tor button that send you to a page that explains it. I guess its ok to run vpn over tor but how do I know that my traffic is going through a tunnel on the other end,

if I can't see the traffic in the tunnel when i go through tor first. If what i'm seeing now with tor over vpn is what my isp is seeing

when running vpn over tor then it would be better run vpn over tor so the isp sees the vpn traffic that i'm seeing now but we may never know what our isp sees. My guess is it is alot harder for someone to hack a network with the tor over vpn. I watch my traffic and i'm impressed with what I see with tor over vpn. So with that said leave the hackers to the vpn service to take care of and run a nice clean network with tor over vpn. If someone ever monitors your network then they will not see tor nodes but only vpn ips. So

isp sees tor ok, isp has to make it through vpn to get back to me. tor over vpn vpn sees no ip and isp sees vpn ip but network monitoring and ddos attacks are likely if you do not secure your network with the proper firewall. and network lock works with tor over vpn!!!!!

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