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AirVPN Does Not Access Any Server after Installing on Linux

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Just installed eddie-ui_2.12.4_linux_x64_debian.deb onto my Linux MINT 18.2 (64-bit) machine.  All went well.  Problem is after I started the AirVPN client, it just keeps going to one server after another with 2-3 second timeouts between each server negotiation.  It never stops and I never get connected into any VPN server.


During the installation, it required 12 dependencies to be updated which took place successfully.  I uninstalled and re-installed everything and rebooted in between.  Still get the same behavior.


Anybody seen this type of behavior with a fresh install of AirVPN?  I am a newbie in Linux as this machine is a dual-boot with Windows 7 (64-bit) on the "other side."  I have AirVPN installed there and it works perfectly.  Just wish I could get the Linux side running.


I have attached a text file which was the log during the startup as the AirVPN app was trying to negotiate with different servers (never did finish).




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Got the following response from AirVPN's tech support:


1) from the overview window activate "Network Lock"
2) in "AirVPN" > "Preferences" > "Advanced" untick "Check if the tunnel works"
3) in "AirVPN" > "Preferences" > "DNS" untick "Check Air VPN DNS"


This solved the problem.



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Now I have the ability to lock onto any server AirVPN has, but now I have another issue.

I have installed the AirVPN Linux application and an updated OpenVPN group per MINT 18.2 (64-bit). Once I login and engage the Active Network Lock, I cannot access any Internet. I tried with Chrome, Firefox and even the email is cutoff from any access to the Internet. I have several emails to tech support into AirVPN and they have been great and fast with good suggestions, but I am still not able to get the AirVPN to work in my Linux MINT 18.2 OS.
Funny thing is I have a dual-boot system with Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) on the "other side" and the Windows version of the AirVPN client works great and right away! No issues at all, so that told me that the problem in my Linux setup is not the cable modem or ISP (ComCast) or, at least, any of the hardware on the Windows 7 side.
The only thing left I can imagine (I am a so-so newbie with Linux) is perhaps some piece of hardware driver is interfering with the OpenVPN packets as this is an issue, I believe, between OpenVPN and something in my Linux OS. I eliminated the obvious things like ESET antivirus, my cloud service and the Linux Firewall...all gone and still no connectivity to the Internet.
Anybody got any suggestions?

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