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Odd problems with DuckDuckgo.com

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see if this makes a diff as your duckduckgo home page:


basically shutting some of the junk off



some css to darken duckduckgo:


search stylish set
editor to 1
dux 041617 css edit
@-moz-document domain("3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion")
non java/java pages look same now

    @-moz-document domain("duckduckgo.com") {
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.results--powered__badge.badge--yahoo {
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.header {
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.submit {
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.result-snippet {
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    color: #777777;

link-text {
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        box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2) !important;
      .tag-home, .badge-link, .logo_homepage__tt, #duckbar_static_sep, #duckbar_dynamic_sep, .feedback-btn, .attribution--link__icon {
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        font-family: open sans !important;

i put their onion url in there also at the top commented out


google is an ad company but like everyone else i like their searches and like the results with a clean layout

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No problems with DDG here. I tried them in the past and it seemed like their search algorithm was too crude and often couldn't find what I was looking for. Now that Google seems to have really screwed up their results by trying to sell people stuff at every turn and getting tons of takedown notices, I gave DDG a try again and I am very impressed at the improvements that they have made. They have become my go-to search engine and it is very rare that I ever have to consider using anything else for anything.

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DDG outputs exactly the same results as Bing, at least in Germany. Half the time I didn't find what I was looking for. I switched to Startpage a while back, way more diversity and more accurate results.


Sent via Tapatalk. Means, I don't have a computer available now.


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Google caters way too heavily to popular sites at the expense of quality sites.  often, the popular sites are the quality sites, but they have too many one-off boosts or blows that interfere with an otherwise quality search algorithm.  they do too many bad things, like reduce people's blog views unless they use google apis, or things of the like, can't remember that old article.  Some have had their viewership reduced several fold overnight.  if you can locate the articles, they do crap like this regularly.  it just doesn't make the news much as it needs to.


Duck Duck Go has come a long way and it is rare i can't find what i need.  they have custom themes now, so you don't have to spend so much time cssing your custom style to stop feeling like you're staring into a light bulb.  they have a custom color picker and calculator if you search for those, and other automatic widgets that open up with some searches.


startpage is really just another front for google, so i can't really use it.  they got rid of ixquick too, which was their non-google search answer.  their startmail is pretty decent though, but that's off topic.  this world really needs a good search engine that does just that search, and not anything else, or for any other reason.  I dont know of any others, and DDG has filled that spot pretty well.  I wonder where they get their money from since my browser is not picking up any of those pixels that fund the entire internet that is the reason DDG exists to prevent.



press F12 on duckduckgo and see what's waiting to download on the network tab.  it could be anything from a malicious request to a filter blocking content or something else entirely.



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