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ANSWERED Generating OpenVPN Config file?

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Bit confused here.


I can and am able to create a key for my android phone.  But I am completely confused by the process of creating a key for my DD-WRT router.


Could somebody please advise me what to do to get the right key?



When I use the Config Generator, do I select the Linux operating system?


Even though I use Windows 10 on my computer, I am guessing that I choose a Linux key because the Router uses a Linux operating system, is that what I should be doing?



When I follow the tutorial and get to Protocols. 


I tick the Protocol UDP and port 443 as it is recommended for best performance.


I tick the Advanced Mode box, and then tick the Seperate Keys/certs from .ovpn file.


When I click the generate button I then get confused.  At this point I am told that multiple files have been generated and that I am to click a single file to download.


Which file should I download?


And most importantly am I actually following the correct procedure or am I doing something wrong?


Once I create the OpenVPN file I don't know what to do with it.


My brain hurts



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