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Issues with uTorrent and HTTPS Trackers

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I have been using AirVPN successfully on my system using this guide above on my private trackers for nearly a year.




I had successfully setup this system to work using the guide whereby uTorrent was using AirVPN and my browsing traffic using my own internet connection.


Firstly, prior to this issue I have noticed that despite changing server 3 or 4 times. I cannot get a speed faster than 3.0mb/s when downloading on uTorrent.


Previously I was getting between 8 and 12 down, running a test with my own internet gives me my max speed of around 30mb/s down.


Two of my trackers have switched to using a HTTPS tracker address rather than a HTTP one and the downloads or uploads no longer work.


I receive an Error of "A connection with the server cannot be established" and the tracker won't connect.


The HTTP connections work fine.


I have tested and either removing the firewall block to my non VPN IP allows the connections to go through when I have modified the Route table.


Alternatively, If I remove the route table modification and allow all data to flow through the VPN. The torrent starts downloading.


I am using the latest OpenVPN and UDP connections to Dutch or UK servers.



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I too use windows (Win10 actually) and recently switched from Deluge, to Transmission, and finally settled on Tixati.  I was having issues with inbound connections and connecting properly to trackers (even after setting up an AirVPN Port Forward) until I used Tixati as my torrent client.  Here is a link to my forum post if you wanted to dig through for details, and here is my synopsis from that thread:

 To wrap up my own post:

  • Eddie's NL(WFP) and Comodo CIS_10 seem to be getting along great
  • Port forwarding is going well now that I switched my bt client to Tixati (windows version of Transmission was failing for me) and IPLeak shows that all is well
  • Binding was restricted to IP address in Transmission, Tixati let me bind right to TAP interface!
  • AirVPN + Tixati + LZ1's informative posts/collections = one happy chappy!


I also have a screen shot I added to another thread which shows the Tixati settings for binding it to my TAP 9 (VPN) interface.  Also note the network mode setting in the same image that I set to ipv4 only (also part of the binding setup I used as my preference to help crush IPv6 leaks I was having during IPLeak tests).


I highly recommend you setup an AirVPN port forward (in the client area) and configure it in Tixati as follows:

  1. Settings => Network => Incoming Ports
  2. set "TCP/UDP port for peer connections..." to the port assigned by AirVPN
  3. uncheck the box for "...UPNP / NAT-PMP..."
  4. set "Random port interval" to never
    Note: Also ensure if you are doing this that you have no port forwarding on your router or in your firewall... the awesomeness of AirVPN Port Forwarding!


Other things I think I might have adjusted in my Tixati settings (in case you might to test/try them, or see if they are set this way by default)...

  • Settings => Transfers => General
    • PEX Peer Exchange => Send/Receive  
    • SSDP Local Peer Discovery => Disabled  
  • Settings => Transfers => Trackers
    • Allow UDP tracker connections => checked  

Hopefully some of this information help you.

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