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AirVpn on DD-WRT Router - Bypass for specific IP

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Hi All,

I have successfully configured AirVpn on my RT-N16 running DD-WRT. Now all devices in my network are connected to internet via AirVpn, which is great.

However, I have one PC with static IP address which I want to connect directly to my ISP, bypassing VPN connection. I am playing around with iptables command in my router without successful.

Please help.


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The version of iptables in DD-WRT does not have the "ROUTE" target compiled in, so you cannot do a -j ROUTE -oif[int] which is what is needed to accomplish this with iptables.

The only other way is via source-based routing, which requires the advanced-routing package to be installed. Again, DD-WRT does not have this.

Look here for more info: http://help.lockergnome.com/linux/iptables-ROUTE--ftopict354118.html

And here: http://www.wlug.org.nz/SourceBasedRouting

As time goes on, DD-WRT seems more and more limiting to me...

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I just got this router and am trying the dd-wrt kong mod on it (kingkong for our router). What are your speeds with and without VPN connected on the router?

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