cm0s 118 Posted ... # arch_conky_nvidia # splif edit 061817 # background no use_xft yes xftfont sans:size=12 xftalpha 0.5 update_interval 1 double_buffer yes total_run_times 0 own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type override own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager default_bar_size 0 6 maximum_width 285 minimum_size 285 draw_shades no draw_outline no draw_borders no draw_graph_borders no alignment top_left gap_x 15 gap_y 20 no_buffers yes uppercase no cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 override_utf8_locale yes use_spacer none default_shade_color 2E2E2D default_color 606060 color0 606060 color1 4E7A79 color2 8A7C3E color3 4A8754 color4 53A5B8 TEXT ${color2}${font :bold:size=11}s1stm ${color0}${hr 1} ${font :size=11} ${color0}${font :size=12}KERNL:${color1} ${alignr} ${kernel} ${color0}${font :size=12}ONLINE:${color1} ${alignr} ${uptime} ${color0}${font :size=12}TIME:${color1} ${alignr} ${exec date +"%H:%M"} ${color0}${font :size=12}DATE:${color1} ${alignr} ${exec date +"%A %b %d %Y"} ${color0}${hr 1} ${color1}┣━pr0cz${alignr}%cpu ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${top cpu 1} < 1}${color2}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 1} < 2}${color3}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 1} < 4}${color4}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 1} < 8}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${top cpu 2} < 1}${color2}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 2} < 2}${color3}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 2} < 4}${color4}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 2} < 8}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${top cpu 3} < 1}${color2}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 3} < 2}${color3}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 3} < 4}${color4}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 3} < 8}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${top cpu 4} < 1}${color2}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 4} < 2}${color3}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 4} < 4}${color4}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 4} < 8}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top name 4}$alignr${top cpu 4} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${top cpu 5} < 1}${color2}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 5} < 2}${color3}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 5} < 4}${color4}${else}${if_match ${top cpu 5} < 8}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top name 5}$alignr${top cpu 5} ${color1}┃ ┣━appz${alignr}mem ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 1}' | xargs}} < 0.5}${color2}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 1}' | xargs}} < 2.1}${color3}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 1}' | xargs}} < 4.2}${color4}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 1}' | xargs}} < 8.4}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 1} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 2}' | xargs}} < 0.5}${color2}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 2}' | xargs}} < 2.1}${color3}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 2}' | xargs}} < 4.2}${color4}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 2}' | xargs}} < 8.4}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 2} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 3}' | xargs}} < 0.5}${color2}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 3}' | xargs}} < 2.1}${color3}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 3}' | xargs}} < 4.2}${color4}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 3}' | xargs}} < 8.4}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 3} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 4}' | xargs}} < 0.5}${color2}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 4}' | xargs}} < 2.1}${color3}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 4}' | xargs}} < 4.2}${color4}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 4}' | xargs}} < 8.4}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top_mem name 4}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 4} ${color1}┃ ${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 5}' | xargs}} < 0.5}${color2}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 5}' | xargs}} < 2.1}${color3}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 5}' | xargs}} < 4.2}${color4}${else}${if_match ${eval ${execp echo '${top_mem mem 5}' | xargs}} < 8.4}${color5}${else}${color6}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${top_mem name 5}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 5} ${color2}${font :bold:size=11}n3twrx ${color0}${hr 1} ${font :size=11} ${color1}wan: ${color0} ${alignr} ${execi 60 curl | tail} ${color1}lan: ${color0} ${alignr} ${addr eth0} ${color1}dns: ${color0} ${alignr} ${nameserver} ${color1}tun0: ${color0} ${alignr} ${addr tun0} ${color1}wlan0: ${color0} ${alignr} ${addr wlan0} ${color1}mon: ${color0} ${alignr} ${addr wlan0mon} ${color1}gateway: ${color0} ${alignr} ${gw_ip} ${color1}essid: ${color0} ${alignr} ${wireless_essid wlan0} ${color1}AP-mac: ${color0} ${alignr} ${wireless_ap} ${color1}signal: ${color0} ${alignr} ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0} ${color1}mode: ${color0} ${alignr} ${wireless_mode wlan0} ${color2}▲ ${color1}UP: ${alignr} ${upspeedf eth0} ${color0}k/s ${color4}${voffset -14} ${alignc} ${upspeedgraph eth0 10,80} ${color2}▼ ${color1}DOWN: ${alignr} ${downspeedf eth0} ${color0}k/s ${color4}${voffset -14} ${alignc} ${downspeedgraph eth0 10,80} ${color2} ${font :bold:size=11}nmap ${color1} ${hr 1} ${font :size=11} ${color0} ${font :size=11} ${execi 120 nmap -sP | awk '/Nmap scan report for/{printf $5;}/MAC Address:/{print " ➜ "$3;}' | awk '{ printf "%-15s%-20s%s\n",$1,$2,$3}'} ${color2}${font :bold:size=11}n3tstat ${color0}${hr 1} ${font :size=11} #${color0}${execi 120 netstat -e -p -t | grep ESTABLISHED | cut -c45-68,80-86,102-140 | rev | column -t | rev} ${execi 60 netstat -ept | grep ESTAB | awk '{print $9}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | column -t} ${color0}${hr 1} # --------- can start it with: #!/bin/sh # starts conky # 040817_edit # chmod +x # ./ # sleep 2 conky -q -c ~/.conx/conxarch & exit # # 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post