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ANSWERED Problems connecting in China (Shanghai)

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I've tried using SSL tunnel port 443 in preferences. Also tried various servers including Singapore, but no luck, it won't connect, it just gets stuck in cycles of retrying.



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I'm having a similar problem. I connect, but as soon as I get my browser (Chrome) to load a website I get blocked. After a while I tried pinging "baidu.com" in a terminal. Eddie would connect and I saw that my pings were returning slower (as expected). As long as I left things like that I had no problem. As soon as I tried to bring up a website in a browser the pings stopped returning and the page refused to load. If I waited long enough Eddie would break the connection and try a different server. However, I noticed several times Eddie couldn't even reload the server list. Right now I'm browsing via SSH through a VPS I set up in the States.


I've tried SSL, SSH, and even tried setting up my own Socks proxy with Eddie doing the rest. Same result every time. Now part of the problem could be I'm at a coffee shop and not at home, but this place often has blazing speeds.


As a side issue not directly related, my VPS has a L2TP/IPSec VPN running on it. That connection gets stopped cold. Oddly enough this SSH tunnel seems to be ok, though I've heard/read rumors that SSH encryption has been broken by China.


As for my setup, I'm running Mint Linux 17.2 (based on Ubuntu 14.04), kernel 3.16.0-38-generic. 


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