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[Linux] Stop connection from command-line

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Hi all


I'm on Xubuntu 14.04 and, since that I wanted to start a connection to AirVPN servers at startup without loading GUI, I added the instruction from command-line ("sudo /usr/bin/airvpn -cli -netlock") in Session and "Startup->Application autostart" (something like said in this post https://airvpn.org/topic/12797-from-windows-7-to-linux-problem/#entry22035).


It is working. The problem is that I can't disconnect from the VPN and it's impossible to press x key or Ctrl+C in the terminal because it doesn't load at startup launching the application in this way.


I've tried

sudo killall openvpn


and it actually disconnects from VPN, but after a few seconds I find myself connected to VPN again (the only way is to remove the instruction from Session and "Startup->Application autostart" and reboot).


Is there a solution that doesn't require rebooting?



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Did you ever find a solution? I'm on Lubuntu 14.04 and notice the same behaviour. With sudo killall airvpn and sudo killall openvpn I'm unable to close AirVPN running in command line mode. A new openvpn instance is opened immediately...

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This is what I do and it is working:


# Kill OpenVPN by sending Ctrl + c to the process
sudo pkill -f -SIGINT openvpn
sudo pkill -f -SIGTERM openvpn

# Kill airVPN process by sending Ctrl + c to the process
sudo pkill -f -SIGINT airvpn
sudo pkill -f -SIGTERM airvpn

echo "# Stopping VPN"

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -t nat -F
sudo iptables -t mangle -F
sudo iptables -F
sudo iptables -X
sudo iptables -t raw -F
sudo iptables -t raw -X

echo "# Restarting network interfaces"

sudo ifdown etho
sudo ifup eth0

sudo ifdown wlan0
sudo ifup wlan0

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Thanks a lot! Finally able to quit In my case I had to use ifconfig eth0 down instead of ifdown eth0.

Seems to be a typo in your script (etho instead of eth0).


What do the iptables rules do exactly? Do I need them?

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Yes it is a typo.


I have no ide why did I put iptables there, it has been a long time ago since I made it. I am using network lock, so that is probably the reason, to reset rules and alow normal trafic again.

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