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ANSWERED Client problems in windows 10?

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HI guys,


Am trying the three day trial subscription and having some problems with the client on Windows 10 (build 10240), have contacted support but they are unable to reproduce the problem so I thought I'd throw it out here in case one of you can help.


I have installed Eddie no problems it does start up and I am able to connect to a VPN server no problems.  UNTIL I minimize Eddie to the task bar, as soon as I do that Eddie crashes and says I'm not connected to any VPN.  Open VPN still runs in the backgroud and I am actually still connected to the VPN server even though Eddie reports otherwise.  The only way to disconnect from the VPN at that point is to restart the machine.


I minimize the client using the "-" button in the top right corner, the tray icon does not disappear but it does appear as deactivated in the taskbar.
I do not have an alternative shell installed.
My Windows 10 build is 10240.
I tried it again this morning and got the same result.
Note in the log where it says 'recovery, unexpected crash'.

I have Kaspersky AV

​I have implemented Anti-Spy beacon (for windows 10) but have been able to trial other VPN clients without issue.


This problem happens 100% of the time.


Here is my log file:


I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - AirVPN client version: 2.10.3 / x64, System: Windows, Name: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 / x64

. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Reading options from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\AirVPN\AirVPN.xml
. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Data Path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\AirVPN
. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - App Path: C:\Program Files\AirVPN
. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Executable Path: C:\Program Files\AirVPN\AirVPN.exe
. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Command line arguments (1): path="home"
. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
. 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Updating systems & servers data ...
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - OpenVPN Driver - TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.1
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - OpenVPN - Version: OpenVPN 2.3.8 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\openvpn.exe)
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - SSH - Version: plink 0.63 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\plink.exe)
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - SSL - Version: stunnel 5.17 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\stunnel.exe)
W 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Recovery. Unexpected crash?
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - DNS of a network adapter restored to original settings (Intel® Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V)
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - DNS of a network adapter restored to original settings (TAP-Windows Adapter V9)
I 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - IPv6 restored.
! 2016.01.15 06:02:12 - Deactivation of Network Lock
! 2016.01.15 06:02:13 - Ready
. 2016.01.15 06:02:14 - Systems & servers data update completed
Would appreciate any help with this issue as I like what AIRVPN does.
(Edit:  Well here's an interesting update. Out of curiosity I popped my Windows 7 drive back into my PC, the same PC that has Windows 10 on it, (I have a hotswap bay so I can run different OS's if required).  I downloaded the Windows 7 version of Eddie and the exact same thing is happening!  Which is really strange.  The Windows 7 drive does not have Kaspersky or anti-spy beacon.  So now I'm wondering what software I have on both the Windows 7 and Windows 10 drives that might be causing the issue?)

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That's the strangest thing I have read in a long time.


So do this: start AirVPN. Then right click on the system try icon and select "hide main window". Do you still get the bug?

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Thanks for the reply.


I do not have the 'hide main window' option if I right-click the sys tray icon.  The only options are 'airvpn', 'unpin this program' or 'close window'.


Other programs that I have running are stardock fences, peerblock, goodsync and keepass.  I have restarted the machine after disabling all of those in the start menu but the problem remains.


I'll try it on my Linux SSd and see what happens there.



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No, you are clicking on the wrong icon.

Thanks for the reply.


I do not have the 'hide main window' option if I right-click the sys tray icon.  The only options are 'airvpn', 'unpin this program' or 'close window'.


Other programs that I have running are stardock fences, peerblock, goodsync and keepass.  I have restarted the machine after disabling all of those in the start menu but the problem remains.


I'll try it on my Linux SSd and see what happens there.




I'm asking you to click on the icon in the lower-RIGHT area.  That's the "System Tray".  You are clicking on the icon on the lower left, by the start button (this is called the "Task Bar").  You need to locate the AirVPN icon in the system tray, not the task bar.

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P.S. Small update, I tried it again on my laptop, it too has windows 10 but is pretty bare-bones with no other programs starting up.  Same result. All works fine until I minimize Eddy.  The other thing I forgot to mention is that when I go to restart the PC after Eddie locks up I get a 'This program is preventing Windows from shutting down' (related to the AIRVPN client) message requiring me to click 'shutdown anyway'.


So this is really weird.  The same problem occurs on Windows 7, Windows 10, and a completely different computer?


Could the problem be related to my router?


It's an ASUS RT-N66U running Merlin software.  Or could it be because I'm on a trial account for three days?   Grasping at straws now.


OK I'll try it under Linux next and report back.

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Have installed the client on Linux and it works no problems can minimse/maximise and it doesn't lock up. So it seems that the issue is only occurring on windows.  But given I get the same result on three different PC's I'm kind of leaning in the direction that there's something I've missed or am not doing properly?

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Final update.


Yes, it was mostly me being dumb.


Here's what's going on. Normally when an app is minimised its taskbar icon retains a highlighted background or, in the case of windows 10 a green bar underneath as well, indicating that the app is minimised but still active.  When Eddie is minimised there is no indication on the taskbar that it is still active as Eddie seems to minimise to the system tray only.  In other apps when a minimised-but-active app's taskbar icon is clicked on it simply maximises the already running app.  With eddie it launches the program again as if it hadn't been launched previously thus it says it's disconnected.


Meanwhile over in the system tray the first instance of Eddie is running away just fine.  In Windows 10 you need to specify what apps are shown in the system tray, I had not specifically done that with Eddie so the icon was not visible to me until I went searching for it. I always monitor my running apps from the taskbar as I find that visually easier.  So hopefully that explains my confusion.  I might mention it to the support team to see if they can get the taskbar icon to behave like all other taskbar icons.


Thanks again for your help, and I apologise for the confusion.

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Actually, don't feel too dumb, I experienced the same confusion in Windows 8 and 10 the first few times I ran Eddie in them. I got lucky and figured it out pretty quick, but I experienced a similar wtf moment.

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