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Torrent incoming port is closed (but it worked up until a few days ago)

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Been using AirVPN + OpenVPN (Linux) with Deluge pt Transmission for a while now without issue.  Recently, when I 'test active port' in deluge, it return an error.  This is also true with transmission-gtk, "Port is closed."


1) I have the port setup in my client area and https://airvpn.org/ports/ verified that the port I selected is working (green light for the TCP test).

2) I am not forwarding it in my router.

3) My linux firewall is aware of the port and is allowing traffic to/from it.


Perhaps it is due to how I generated my .ovpn file?  Is the correct:

Using airvpn.org/generator

-Selected linux

-Selected all the servers that interest me

-Selected, Direct, protocol udp on port 443


Suggestion are welcomed.

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Those checks inside the Torrent clients rely on remote 3d party servers that initiate connections.

This is not a reliable way to check it, since it is 100% dependant on the uptime of their checkup servers.


The best ways to verify it would be typing "nc -vvv your_exit_ip your_port" in the command line, while your

client is listening for new connections. If you see it is connected, port forwarding is working.


Alternatively you can use Air's port forwarding check but the first way is more generic and quick.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Thank you for the reply.  I substituted my exit IP with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and the port with yyyyy ... I get:


nc -vvv xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx yyyyy
Warning: Host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx isn't authoritative! (direct lookup failed)


As another test I completely disabled the firewall and tried both deluge and transmission's built in tests.  Again, they both failed so that rules out a firewall configuration on my end I think.

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The port forwarding is working fine.

Make sure to eliminate other factors (Router firewall, OS firewall) and add proper rules in case you have home NAT.

The port you are forwarding should be the same port your application listens on.


To make things easier, listen on the desired port with nc, don't use P2P apps:


root@host:~# nc -l -n -vv -p 12345
listening on [any] 12345 ...



Then try to connect to this port from another terminal, to the vpn exit IP and your port.

If everything works fine, you will receive a connection to that listening nc session.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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