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Howto check for DNSLeak and IPLeak From Command Line in Linux

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Hi there have a headless ubuntu 14.04, only command line available to me.


Lots of stuff online about checking for IP leaks and DNS leaks by surfing to some websites.   I have used w3m to surf to these but I'm not confident that all the scripts on those sites get executed and displayed by w3m.


How can I check for IP leaks and DNS leaks from the command line?

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You will have to simulate an API for each service you are planning to use.

In order for a DNS leak service to function, they need to generate a random name for your request,

and then check their DNS resolver logs from which source this query came from.


You cannot do this in command line, the quickest way to possible achieve that would be using something like Libcurl/PhantomJS and browsing to ipleak.net directly. I haven't tested it thou.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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