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Understanding of DNS and VPN

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I have some questions regarding my understanding of DNS and VPN(Especially AirVPN of course), which I would hope some of you could help answer. My first question is DNS, I have been trying to understand this topic in relation to VPN, but what I found is that it depends on the VPN provider. On that basis, I have been using AirVPN DNS servers and in this use I have some questions:
1. When I am not connected to the VPN, I cannot access the internet, when I use AirVPN DNS servers. As my understand is, it's because that my internet provider does not allow me to use that DNS server. So by using AirVPN I am able to use AirVPN DNS servers. Am I correct?
2. I use something called Roccat power-grid to launch several scripts on my computer. I use Arch Linux, from there I run Windows 7 in a virtual machine, in the virtual machine I have bridged my internet card. So on my host I use AirVPN and on my windows I use AirVPN nearly all the time. The only time where I don't uses it is when I need to use my phones internet, in order to use the phone to launch the scripts. However, when I do so, I need to shift DNS server to googles for example. This is time-consuming, is there some way to use my phone's internet - so I can the app to launch scripts, but still be able to be on a VPN(or at least use the same DNS)?

         2.1 Number 2 question leads to the question whether AirVPN uses their DNS, or my DNS when I connect. So what I am asking is, does it matter which DNS server I have on my local computer if I am                          connected to the AirVPN DNS server?
3. The third question is how to see if there is any DNS leaks? Are the different sites online which say if there is some, trustworthy? And which methods would you use to be sure that there is not DNS leaks, both on Linux(Arch Linux) and Windows(Windows 7)?
4. I have also thought about buying a new router which I would like to have connected to AirVPN all the time. I am sorry for this dumb question, I just want to be sure: When I take my LAN cable and plug it into my router, I set my router up to connect to the OpenVPN, what about the DNS? If I understand this correct: I type google.com into the address bar, which goes to the router. The router encrypts it with OpenVPN and send it to my ISP. My ISP do need se anything else than "random" numbers. The connection goes to AirVPNs servers, which then sends my request to their DNS servers. Is this correct understood?

         4.1 A little extra question is: Would I be able to first send my traffic through TOR and then AirVPN on my router? 

Thanks in advance.

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1. - Air DNS server are only accessible while connected to air. Its a local ip that will only function while tunneled/connected.


2. - I don't know anything about the Roccat power-grid.

2.1. - Once connected it really doesn't matter what dns you use as long as its not your isp's dns as that would in some ways defeat the purpose.


3. - Leak testing sites:




Imo check both arch and the windows vm.


4. - You're correct.

4.1. - Not easily.


Sorry I couldn't be more help with the Roccat setup but I've literally never even heard of it.

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