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AirVPN setup for novice nOObies?

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I'm not a very "techy" guy so I'm a bit overwhelmed with the task of trying to optimally configure AirVPN.


Is there a set up guide for "dummies" somewhere?


I use qBitorrent and want to have 100% protection from any further copyright infringement notices.

(I have already received 3 warnings from my ISP!)


Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer!

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You don't say what OS you're using, so I assume Windows. It's all very simple. Eddie has a built in network lock feature, which when enabled basically sets firewall and network (eg DNS) rules on your system so that no traffic can ever leave your system unless it's through the VPN. This obviously (?) only works while Eddie is open.


Open Eddie and (assuming Windows again) click the 'AirVPN' button on the top left of the app and then click Preferences.. Check the box that says "Activate network lock at startup". Then (if you have version 2.10.3 experimental) set the TCP/UDP send and receive buffer sizes to either 256k or 512k. This bypasses restrictions in Windows which can slow down high speed connections (you didn't say what you have, so I'm covering all bases). Then save your changes and restart Eddie. You should now see 'Network lock enabled' in green writing. You're done. 


If you want to set up qBittorrent for port forwarding I did a mini-guide here with step by step screenshots.

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