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Hi i have windows 10 the last week its been fine.Installed airvpn software and i connect to server and new ISP via my latop I have my Xbox one connect as normal and connected to my own normal ISP address which is fine and is not connected to VPN.After 5 to 15 mins it stop on my router is flashing green arrow up and down and the xbox says something about DNS servers then my laptop loses connection to if I unplug the HUB and disconnect the airvpn and the network lock close it all down.i Then go back to my own ISP and the xbox goes back to normal works good.MY HUB is not VPN HUB it is VIRGIN MEDIA SUPER HUB.Some told me they it is the windows 10 causing me the issue ? before never had this issue could connect to a VPN and the Xbox was fine.Maybe I should go back to windows 8.1 never had issue on there ? any help and advice please.Thank you.



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After installing Windows 10 i was having the same problem, I re-downloaded the AirVPN client at which point it re-installed the tunnel driver.

My problem was solved i would suggest admins posting a sticky as this seems to be a problem for most when upgrading to Windows 10.

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I had (have) problems with the DNS servers on one of the computers that I upgraded to Windows 10.  I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it only happens to me when I have the Network Lock engaged.  



I really don't have much idea what I'm doing (so take it with a grain of salt); but this is what I ended up doing on my end:


I ended up having to add my own DNS servers (in order to keep the Network Lock functionality).


First I had to go into the AirVPN client and DISABLE DNS Switch mode (under Preferences > Advanced > DNS).  I then added two DNS servers from Xiala.net (which replaced the Swiss Privacy Foundation DNS) to both my normal Ethernet Adapter AND the AirVPN Tap Adapter.   [, ]


Then I had to add those two DNS servers to the "Windows Firewall AirVPN - Out - AllowAirIPS" Outbound Rule.


You'll probably want to export the rule set and run it yourself, otherwise you'll have to re-add those IPs to the Firewall each time, as the AirVPN client overwrites then restores them upon activating the network lock.


This may or may not be useful to you.  And like I said, I'm not to well versed in all this, so try at your own risk.  The network locking does indeed 'appear' to disconnect my connection when I'm not online through AirVPN, and there appears to be no leaks when I tested.


Best of luck, I hope someone else can shed some light on this.  I'm only having this problem on one of my systems, and I've tried everything I've read online to remedy the problem, with little success.




EDIT:  There's probably a cleaner way of doing this (ie: by adding the Xiala DNS servers to the 'DNS Server List' in the AirVPN client, etc), but honestly I was just happy to have it working again and I was too tired to mess with it anymore (..after already dealing with upgrading several computer to Windows 10 that day.)

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