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Are you asking if people are using usenet through the VPN or in general?  Not clear from your post.

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I do and find speed depends on the particular server's load. I have 76 Mbps fibre and while I rarely see full speed I regularly get around 70-80% of that 76Mbps. Full Upload speed of 19 Mbps is pretty much the norm though it also drops down to 70-80% of that when a server is busy but rarely for long and suffers far less than the download when on a busy server. On very busy servers download speeds can drop further but around the lowest download I have seen has been 20 Mbps. If it persists I just switch to a different server with more free capacity as it usually only takes between 30-60 seconds to switch.

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I left usenet a few years ago due to:


- Rar in rar spam

- DMCA removals

- Mysterious password protected groups that i never got access to.

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I left usenet a few years ago due to:


- Rar in rar spam

- DMCA removals

- Mysterious password protected groups that i never got access to.

I have sab take care of these issues if they are password protected they do not get downloaded.


Removals are going to happen.

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I agree with Flat4, I also use Sab, Perfect for my needs, Mix with Sickbeard & Couchpotato & Headphones,

Pretty good combo!

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