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I do not have very advanced networking knowledge, but things have worked well for me until now.


I recently decided to switch from uTorrent, which had been working well, to qBittorrent. In the AirVPN client settings, I added an open port. I then opened qBittorrent and added this port number to the Incoming Connections field. I also unchecked the uPnP box in qBittorrent, per instructions I've seen around here.


When I run the port check on this port on the AirVPN site, it gives a green light. Also, the website http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ says that this port is now open.


However, no torrents are working. All of the trackers return the status "Not working" whenever I try any torrent.


Am I missing something? Suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!

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Read the torrent port forwarding guide on here, you don't need trackers if you have DHT enabled. I just went through the config of this but can't remember it's exact location.

It takes a bit longer to find sources but your qbittorrent icon will eventually go green etc.

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qBittorrent is awesome.


In Options/Connection, fill in the port you forwarded in AirVPN

Uncheck "Use UPnP"

Unhceck "Use different port on each startup"


In Options/BitTorrent, Check Enable DHT"

Uncheck "Use a different port for DHT and BitTorrent"

Check Enable Peer Exchange (PeX)

Check Enable Local Peer Discovery (optional, based on seranecks post below)

Encryption Mode: Prefer encryption

Uncheck Enable anonymous mode

Uncheck Torrent Queueing (my preference - use the entire ISP pipe for concurrent torrenting)


In Options/Advanced, ensure the "Network Interface" is set to "tun0" so it will exclusively use the AirVPN Tunnel.


(if on Windows, find the Local Area Connection number that references your tunnel adapter.  You can find this out by going to a command prompt, running ipconfig /all, and look for the adapter with the 10.x address).


Restart qBittorrent, and you should be good to go.

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id be interested in your opinion or if you if know specifically regarding qBitTorrent how the the ratio of download vs upload is affected? Is there a point where you don't get any further returns from increasing your upload speeds further - I'm currently capping uploads to 100KB/s and it seems anything larger than that doesn't offer any greater download returns. 

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That really depends on how the seeders are set up more than how you are set up. Some people only seed based on that ratio and some seed the same regardless. I have my torrent client (not qbit) set up to upload at a max rate of 1k but I have no issues pulling down torrents at 800k apiece. Not sure why that is.

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Agree with Khariz.  The seeders determine the allowable ratio (speed and/or bytes).  I have my client set to unlimited for both (I have FiOS 75/75 service) so I really don't know the affects in general terms.

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is anyone having issues getting RSS feeds to show up?  I can't seem to get them to load while vpn'd in.


EDIT:  Scratch that.. problem solved.. WOOO

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I appreciate the step by step help configuring qBittorrent - much appreciated!


I've followed all the steps and restarted qBittorrent client - how can I verify that my traffic is using the VPN?

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've followed all the steps and restarted qBittorrent client - how can I verify that my traffic is using the VPN?




confirm all the IP addresses match your VPN connection's IP address.  Also check your torrent program by downloading the magnet link.

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Check Enable Local Peer Discovery


For the record, this enables searching for peers on the Local Area Network, so unless you have multiple torrent clients running on your LAN (and any VPN or tunnel systems allowing local connections) you probably don't need this checked. It won't really affect you either way but it's a waste of CPU cycles, especially if you bind qBittorrent to your tunnel interface.


Uncheck Torrent Queueing


This is user preference. If you intend to let a lot of downloads go by while you're away you might want to queue them so you don't have them all fighting over your pipe. Or if you want to manage it manually and start/stop specific torrents as you feel the need, you can disable (un-check) it. qBittorrent uses a "Priority" system that's really just a queue order so you can set which ones will start when a slot becomes available for them.


Yes I know its an old post but it might help someone especially if they follow your advice. Everything else checks though. Hope the extra insight is beneficial to someone.

Certified CompTIA A+ IT, Remote Support and Depot Technician, CompTIA Network+, MCP, MCDST Windows XP

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