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Easy connection with FreeBSD (and no DNS leaks....)

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I'll not ramble and just bullet point this simple half arsed hack of a guide....


  • Download your configuration and rename the files to .airvpn.ovpn and .airvpn.ssl (hidden files for cleanliness)


  • cp /etc/resolv.conf $HOME/.resolv.conf (hidden file again) and edit the file with the contents:
  • nameserver
  • nameserver


  • create two shell scripts: vpn1.sh / vpn2.sh and chmod +x them both
  • contents of vpn1.sh:
  • stunnel .airvpn.ssl
  • contents of vpn2.sh:
  • sudo cp .resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf; sudo openvpn --config .airvpn.ovpn


  • open two terminal windows and launch ./vpn1.sh in one and ./vpn2.sh in the other and et voila you are connected...
  • you can either close the terminal windows or keep them open (I prefer them open to keep an eye on things). closing the windows will *not* cancel the connection as openvpn runs as sudo through stunnel.... it might take 30 seconds or so to come back up but it's solid (check the dns leak test below for confirmation)


  • check for dns leaks @ www.grc.com/dns/dns.htm (finds leaks where other tests miss them)



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