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My concern with Protonmail is the fact they do business with Radware. Radware is a Unit8200 shell company filled with ex Mossad people. Also Radware has been known to product Riskware via a shell company named Radyoos. While Protonmail can claim Radware can't intercept anything it's still a bit alarming they rely on Radware for Anti-DDOS protection. That means Radware has some hardware that Protonmail probably passes through. Given the compromise with Cloudflare, it's not unheard of for Anti-DDOS technologies to increase the threat surface and/or risk factor of a firm.



Proton Mail


Switzerland / CH    ​https://protonmail.com/

​End-to-End Encryption


All Messages are encrypted at all times


Messages are stored on ProtonMail servers in encrypted format. They are also transmitted in encrypted format between our servers and user devices. Messages between ProtonMail users are also transmitted in encrypted form within our secure server network. Because data is encrypted at all steps, the risk of message interception is largely eliminated.


Zero Access to User Data


On The Website One Can Read & Review Much, Much, More Information https://protonmail.com/


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How can I run an Email client while connected via AirVPN (w/o risking bounce-back emails, and potentially blacklisting my email address, e.t.,  if I'm connected to a "flagged" IP by XYZ domain's Email Server)?


Pretty Noob question.  I'm running into problems using MS Outlook07 with a standard email provider.  My problem is that some Email Servers flag AirVPN IPs (as you all know).  For work, I need to browse, multiple tabs, run a couple programs, including my MS Outlook. 


That's it.  I don't use Tor... I use a VPN for the principle (I like the EFF for e.g.).  I typically need to respond to emails asap, as well as fire-off emails -so again, I need to leave MS Outlook running.,, but if I'm browsing sites to compile data and utilize w/in my work -how can I avoid stringent Email Servers from bouncing my emails back? 


*Does anyone have any experience with LuxSci?  I've got a lot to learn... I hate posting when I'm a Noob, please excuse my dumb question.  I just don't have enough time to get my work done, let alone figure out the majority of the fascinating stuff contained within this 7 page discussion (or the countless interesting threads w/in the AirVPN forums).  I read all 7 pages of comments here... cool read, but 50% or more is over my "Computer Enthusiast" head. 


Cool to hear a newer Lavabit is out.  


Thanks in advance for any ideas or feedback!

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I'm running into problems using MS Outlook07 with a standard email provider.


What is this standard email provider? GMail?


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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​Just signed up with these guys based in Berlin.


​Great value too. Very happy so far. Surprised they have not been mentioned here so far. Discovered them from this site


​Please note that AirVPN is listed here too. A great site for the privacy freak.

​ProtonMail user for long time, but prefer not to use the cloud in any way -- hence now using mailbox.org.

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Posteo can use PGP.
The reasons that I chose posteo are the point that PGP can use it and a proper value.

I don't understand the reason that the people who choose AirVPN stick to Gmail.

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don't understand the reason that the people who choose AirVPN stick to Gmail.

Do not understand this combination either.Because most times , Convenience and Security ,  can`t go through 1 door way .


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old information on hushmail but thought important:






plus my 'review' and thoughts on hushmail:  https://splif.me/rantz.html


i'm not hustling steroids or other illegal drugs through anyone let alone


an email account of any kind anywhere.  now, if you have puppy treats


let me know, i'll send ya an email using this:


/ make sure gpg and gpa is installed...
/ what i like to do is for even a simple txt file is put it in 
/ a directory then archive it so say i got a txt file called 'email2bob' 
/ cd your desired location, this example say 'emailstuff'
# mkdir ~/emailstuff
# cd emailstuff
# touch email2bob
# nano email2bob
/ write email to bob
# ctrl+o, ctrl+x, enter
/ now to backup out of the directory so we can encrypt the whole directory...
# cd ..
# tar -zcvf emailstuff.tar.gz emailstuff
/ now to generate a sha256 for that archive, this can be sent via separate email
/ to bob so he's got double security, email is going to be sha checked, encrypted
/ AND signed with my public key, if none of that matches, he knows it's been messed with 
# sha256sum emailstuff.tar.gz
/ copy those numbers, it's a long line and email that to bob separately 
/ now at this point, we got the archive created, have sha256 created for it
/ we still need to sign it so they know it came from us only...
# gpg --armor --detach-sign emailstuff.tar.gz
/ this signs the archive with your signature now to encrypt it...
# gpg -o emailstuff.tar.gz.gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 emailstuff.tar.gz
/ this encrypts the archive, now you can email it, txt message or a
/ phone call then give them the pass for decryption 
/ bob gets the email with attachment saves it to his box now to decrypt it....
# gpg -o emailstuff.tar.gz -d emailstuff.tar.gz.gpg
/ the archive is decrypted, at this point now to verify the that the file was signed by your public key 
/ bob can copy your public to his computer and copy the files asc file that was sent separately...
/ for bob to import your public key he runs:
# gpg --import yourkey.asc
/ bob now wants to verify your signature
# gpg --verify emailstuff.tar.gz.asc emailstuff.tar.gz
/ bob will see a 'warning not verified' but important part is 'good signature'
/ if all good now to verify the sha256....
# sha256sum emailstuff.tar.gz
/ again if all good there numbers match bob knows the file he has is from you, was encrypted and not tampered with
/ now for bob to unwrap the archive...
# tar -zxvf emailstuff.tar.gz
/ once bob has that unwrapped he can open the text file with whatever app he likes and read your email 

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I do it easier:


Example to encrypt: test.txt


So, to encrypt: gpg -c --cipher-algo AES256 test.txt (and type your password twice). Result: test.txt.gpg


To decrypt: gpg test.txt.gpg



Then upload it to the cloud or send it to the people knowing the password. But you know, it's not the same as using gpg normally with public and private password.




old information on hushmail but thought important:






plus my 'review' and thoughts on hushmail:  https://splif.me/rantz.html


i'm not hustling steroids or other illegal drugs through anyone let alone


an email account of any kind anywhere.  now, if you have puppy treats


let me know, i'll send ya an email using this:


// make sure gpg and gpa is installed.../ what i like to do is for even a simple txt file is put it in / a directory then archive it so say i got a txt file called 'email2bob' / cd your desired location, this example say 'emailstuff'# mkdir ~/emailstuff# cd emailstuff# touch email2bob# nano email2bob/ write email to bob# ctrl+o, ctrl+x, enter/ now to backup out of the directory so we can encrypt the whole directory...# cd ..# tar -zcvf emailstuff.tar.gz emailstuff/ now to generate a sha256 for that archive, this can be sent via separate email/ to bob so he's got double security, email is going to be sha checked, encrypted/ AND signed with my public key, if none of that matches, he knows it's been messed with # sha256sum emailstuff.tar.gz/ copy those numbers, it's a long line and email that to bob separately / now at this point, we got the archive created, have sha256 created for it/ we still need to sign it so they know it came from us only...# gpg --armor --detach-sign emailstuff.tar.gz/ this signs the archive with your signature now to encrypt it...# gpg -o emailstuff.tar.gz.gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 emailstuff.tar.gz/ this encrypts the archive, now you can email it, txt message or a/ phone call then give them the pass for decryption / bob gets the email with attachment saves it to his box now to decrypt it....# gpg -o emailstuff.tar.gz -d emailstuff.tar.gz.gpg/ the archive is decrypted, at this point now to verify the that the file was signed by your public key / bob can copy your public to his computer and copy the files asc file that was sent separately.../ for bob to import your public key he runs:# gpg --import yourkey.asc/ bob now wants to verify your signature# gpg --verify emailstuff.tar.gz.asc emailstuff.tar.gz/ bob will see a 'warning not verified' but important part is 'good signature'/ if all good now to verify the sha256....# sha256sum emailstuff.tar.gz/ again if all good there numbers match bob knows the file he has is from you, was encrypted and not tampered with/ now for bob to unwrap the archive...# tar -zxvf emailstuff.tar.gz/ once bob has that unwrapped he can open the text file with whatever app he likes and read your email 

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Wow, they really panicked over in Australia, didn't they? It's §6 TKG as noted in the linked article. Posteo needed to do this as well.

If you are running a public commercial communications service in Germany you are needed to register with the Netzagentur and give them some data about your business. We are not talking about your data here, just some things like Commercial Registry Number, where your business is based, etc. Someone should tell FastMail that at no point of time they will be required to share user data or worse just because they registered with the BNA. I even think they don't have the authority to do so, and if they had, it would fail due to lack of competence.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Anyway it's interesting the "answer" from Posteo.

I answered with a link to your post in that forum. I hope you don't mind


Wow, they really panicked over in Australia, didn't they? It's §6 TKG as noted in the linked article. Posteo needed to do this as well.

If you are running a public commercial communications service in Germany you are needed to register with the Netzagentur and give them some data about your business. We are not talking about your data here, just some things like Commercial Registry Number, where your business is based, etc. Someone should tell FastMail that at no point of time they will be required to share user data or worse just because they registered with the BNA. I even think they don't have the authority to do so, and if they had, it would fail due to lack of competence.

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I answered with a link to your post in that forum. I hope you don't mind


Sorry, what link?


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Read my last post in this thread and follow the link I posted to the last answer.



I answered with a link to your post in that forum. I hope you don't mind


Sorry, what link?

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More details about what I posted, this time from Fastmail:





Wow, they really panicked over in Australia, didn't they? It's §6 TKG as noted in the linked article. Posteo needed to do this as well.

If you are running a public commercial communications service in Germany you are needed to register with the Netzagentur and give them some data about your business. We are not talking about your data here, just some things like Commercial Registry Number, where your business is based, etc. Someone should tell FastMail that at no point of time they will be required to share user data or worse just because they registered with the BNA. I even think they don't have the authority to do so, and if they had, it would fail due to lack of competence.

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More details about what I posted, this time from Fastmail:






Wow, they really panicked over in Australia, didn't they? It's §6 TKG as noted in the linked article. Posteo needed to do this as well.

If you are running a public commercial communications service in Germany you are needed to register with the Netzagentur and give them some data about your business. We are not talking about your data here, just some things like Commercial Registry Number, where your business is based, etc. Someone should tell FastMail that at no point of time they will be required to share user data or worse just because they registered with the BNA. I even think they don't have the authority to do so, and if they had, it would fail due to lack of competence.

Basically what I wrote, although I'm not sure where I can find the "only if customers.germany>=100000" part in this law. Maybe it's somewhere else, IANAL


Still! They panicked. So the users panicked. This should not happen, ever.


Sent via Tapatalk. Means, I don't have a computer available now.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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And what is this?: "you are not required to offer interception facilities..."

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Among free email providers Privacytools recommends Tutanota, which was expelled from Privacy-Conscious Email Services list because of Trump scandal.


Disroot has the following options (according to reddit:


  • Only Open Source software
  • 100% free, it lives with donations
  • Communication (mail) of changes in the infrastructure and eventually new services available
  • Rainloop as modern, mobile-friendly web UI for email management
  • Nextcloud 12 with many apps, so you can sync you contacts and calendars with calDAV and cardDAV and your files with webDAV or Nextcloud's apps. You can also sync your notes and RSS subscriptions (like Feedly).
  • Matrix and Riot for instant messaging, voIP and videocalls. Matrix is a federated service like email so you can contact people on other servers.
  • XMPP support
  • A forum based on the modern Discourse
  • Diaspora as social network
  • Everything is setup with just one account
  • Many other apps, like Taiga to organise with other people.

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I'm running into problems using MS Outlook07 with a standard email provider.


What is this standard email provider? GMail?

Sorry Treiber!  I never saw this reply.  Thanks for taking the time to follow-up.  I understand if you are too busy to reply (it's been a minute).


An old att.net account I've had forever for use w/ work related stuff. I haven't had the problem in months (I'm mostly connecting w/ Eddie using SSL -would that help prevent bounce backs from black-list IPs?). 


A while back I had a huge problem contacting work related contacts who used Barracuda email servers (and Barracudea BL quite a few of our Air IPs)  Problem not raising its head much anymore... so maybe SSL helps a program like Outlook07?     


**Is Lavabit 2.0 worthwhile?  I've wondered about it (I respect Ladar lots).  Thanks! 

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posteo drawback:


I have been using posteo.de for several years so far, and it seems to be OK.

But now I found out that there is no way of deleting spam already appeared in your posteo email account without entering the spam email itself:


1) their filters don't work backwards. So you can only ban persistent spammer from sending you new emails. It's far from been safe and sound


2) there is no tick boxes to delete the email without opening it (like almost all secure providers have to boost the spammer base and to research the email bypassed the existing provider's filters)


So they trust ONLY   their own spam filter settings, ignore spam, found  by users.


NEVER  expose your posteo account in publication ,etc. They cannot handle unexpected spam sources.


I have protonmail account but in case of the necessity to increase the size of storage, one should pay on yearly basis . it is not convenient.


I found the alternative: https://scryptmail.com/ It seems promising.

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