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Where are Adavnced Tomato OpenVPN setup instructions? does airvpn support no encryption at router level?

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I'm with PIA right now but I'm thinking of making the switch, before I sign up can someone confirm you support OpenVPN Advanced Tomato (toast man, shibby) firmware? I've been looking everywhere through the site and I don't see the setup instructions.


Secondly can you confirm I can run without encryption at the router level and are the procedures documented somewhere? I will primarily use this for Netflix and other services that require a USA IP but encryption isn't important and I want the full speed of my router and if I need encryption, I'll do it at the PC level with your client.





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Click the "enter" button on top of this site and select tomato. I have been using Air and Toastman for a while now and it works perfectly. There are also several threads with more detail. But those are the main instructions. You can also run 3 simultaneous connections with Air so you can have a router connected, another PC using the client, and your phone for example.

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