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I know this is an old thread, so I apologize for Necroposting.


Make sure you do *NOT* ever use the OpenDNS servers in DNSCrypt. They do in fact log. They even admit this.


And remember that if anyone running a site can see that your IP is an AirVPN IP, then if you are doing lookups that do not match those of other AirVPN users, you have just given them a way to single you out a bit.

(This would require a trap site, but many do in fact exist today. Be very careful.)

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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Isn't there a way that AirVPN can implement DNS encryption, or is it done by default when connection is established.


When you are connected to a server, all your traffic, including the DNS one, is encrypted.

When you use Air's DNS servers, you also benefit from the fact that there are no logs.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Isn't there a way that AirVPN can implement DNS encryption, or is it done by default when connection is established.


When you are connected to a server, all your traffic, including the DNS one, is encrypted.

When you use Air's DNS servers, you also benefit from the fact that there are no logs.

this and and i had DNScrypt one time on my pc and it used between 5-25% of Cpu sometimes pretty overkill specially if you want to game on that machine. 

( i5 Processor so nothing old. )

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