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Hi there, sorry if this has been posted before but I did search the forum and look at the OpenVPN manual and found nothing of use.


Basically I set up AirVPN to run automatically on startup through the 'services' method, so I no longer use the AirVPN client - something I learned on here.


What's the easiest way to switch between AirVPN servers without using the client? I've added both config files to the OpenVPN folder, but whenever I try to switch it comes up with 'AUTH FAILED'



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Hi Bluetiger


When you run OpenVPN as a Windows service, it will try to start EVERY connection you have in the \OpenVPN\config folder. Since you are only allowed one connection to AirVPN, the first connection will succeed, and any others will fail.


I've created a subfolder \OpenVPN\config\AirVPN_Servers to contain the .ovpn files, and I move the file for the connection I want to use up into the \config folder, and then restart the service.


You can't use OpenVPNGUI to control the service, but it does list all the connections, including the ones in the subfolder, and gives you easy access to the log files. To make it less clunky, you can create a batch file to restart the OpenVPN service, and run it from a desktop shortcut, and also create a shortcut to the \config folder. OpenVPNGUI will only list your first 50 connections.


I'd be glad to hear of a better solution.

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I'd be glad to hear of a better solution.


Nope, it's very good.

Mr. Bluetiger, you can always use another client.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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